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You tossed and turned in your bed, today was the day your mom was getting released and you didn't sleep a wink. You was scared, worried and curious whether she actually knew where to find you. You told your grandma, Getou and Satoru and Shoko.

Shoko was too busy with work so all she could do was just hope for you, but the good thing was that the boys had managed to come back earlier last night because they didn't want you to be alone.

All this protection and you still didn't feel safe. It wasn't a nice feeling. You was so damn tired. No. Tired was an understatement. You was exhausted. You didn't sleep yesterday, the max sleep you got was about an hour. But that was in and out.

Toji started work again yesterday so he wasn't able to text or call you until late evening. And since he was working on a new project he was busier than normal. Megumi was back at school and back to having a nanny until his dad came back home. Spending new years with him and Toji was fun and it really helped take things off your mind. But that was only when you was with them and now that you wasn't in their company you didn't have any distractions.

Getou and Satoru was home but they were extremely tired from their work so most of the time they were sleeping and eating. Cuddles here and there, small talk and that was pretty much it. You just hoped they were no longer as tired today.


You was sat at your desk biting your nails and bouncing your right leg. Concentrating didn't even exist in this moment, you was meant to be doing your work, but you just couldn't focus. Looking out the window every minute anxious out of your mind. You could see black cars with tinted windows parked along the sidewalks, Toji really did end up having some of his men out there.

Groaning you rubbed your eyes yawning, you really needed something to help you take your stress away. You never thought you would ever come to do this since you quit almost a year ago. You got up and walked out of your room wrapping your long cardigan around your body feeling the chilliness hitting you.

You knocked on Getou's door waiting for a moment then hearing shuffling and movements around the room. The door opened showing a topless Getou with wet hair and a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. It had been a while since you saw that view, you forgot how hot his body was. Not as good as Toji's though.

"You like what you see?" He smirked letting you come inside his black painted room. "Nah I was just thinking about how much of a whore you are dressed that way."

"That's not very nice is it?" He rose an eyebrow and watched you look through his drawers. "You okay Y/n?"

"Do you have any cigarettes?"

"I haven't heard that for ages, what's up?" He went to his wardrobe and dropped his towel, it didn't even catch you off guard, pretty sure the whole world had seen his ass.

"I just can't fucking concentrate and I have to get this shit done by tomorrow. I haven't slept for two fucking days, my head hurts so bad."

"Yup you definitely need a smoke." He put his boxers on and reached for a shoe box on top of his wardrobe.

He opened it up and threw a cigarette pack your way. "There's a lighter in the pack, lemme finish getting changed and we could talk."

You flicked the pack open and took a cig out placing it between your lips and lit it up then taking in a long drag, burning your lungs black.


You was back in your room typing up all of your work you was almost finished and you was glad about that smoke or you would've already been in a coffin.

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now