Fuck me or Nanami?

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It was finally Friday and you was finishing work early in about an hour since your schedule was free for the rest of the day. You did end up managing to get some sleep fixing your fucked up sleep schedule and you was getting back to your normal self now, no more nightmares on your past or what happened almost two weeks ago. You had no idea what your mom was up to but it's not like you cared unless she was going to approach you again. If so you would just throw her in a mental health hospital to rot in there.

Your office door opened and it was Maki, she looked puzzled. But when she sat in the chair opposite you she smiled and asked a question. "Are you dating my cousin?" She didn't even say hi, hello, how are you. Just a question. And by cousin she meant Toji.

You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to not look surprised by her question. "What makes you think I'm dating my boss Maki?" You leaned back and crossed your arms. In your head you was freaking right the fuck out.

"Well little Megumi told me yesterday when I picked him up from school." Oh. Megumi. You forgot that Toji told Megumi in the car. "How do you know if he's telling the truth?"

"Megumi never lies unless he get's into a fight at school. I went to ask Toji and he threatened to fire me. So now I'm here asking you."

"Well I'll tell him you're doing the same to me and he might just fire you." You shrugged. It wouldn't be a problem if Maki knew because she knew better to keep her mouth shut. "I'll take that as a yes. Are you fucking him too?" You held back a choke getting caught off guard at her question. "Can you get out Maki?"

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows and leaned on the desk more staring to smile knowing you was getting nervous. "I've got work to do." You answered just wanting to get this done and over with. She stared at you for five seconds which felt like the longest time like she was trying to read you. She sighed and stood herself up leaving your office. You exhaled and cupped your face, if Megumi ended up telling anyone else it could end up getting out of hand.

You stood up and exited the office making your way to print off some stuff in the marketing office. Opening the door you see everyone quiet and working at their desks too busy to even look away for a slight second. Nanami is the only one who isn't doing anything, this was the first time you've seen him like this. He was leaned back in his chair, hanging his head back with a small white towel over his eyes. His chest was rising up slowly and falling at the same rate. He was asleep. The manspreading caught you off guard, you forgot you was dating Toji for a hot second.

You couldn't help but think about how attractive he looked, but not as good as Toji. No one was. You realised you was just standing at the door looking a little strange and continued to walk to the printer. Your documents were already printed out so you took the warm stack of papers and went on your way. Going past Nanami you hear your name getting called in a whisper, you turn around and Nanami is already looking at you. He woke up quick, he was knocked the fuck out just a second ago.

"Oh hey Nanami, what's up?" The towel was off his eyes but he still kept himself in the same position. "You wanna grab a drink at the bar we went last time?" This was the first time Nanami had ever asked to do something outside of work with him and you was there for it. "I finish early in an hour today so I'll see if I'll be able to since I've got errands to run. But I'll text you if I can or not thank you though!"

He nodded and smiled a little. You went on your journey back to your office on the floor above. You turned the corner and Toji was stood right there causing your soul to jump out of your body. "What the fuck Toji? Why you standing here of all places?"

"You're not going out to that bar with Nanami, Y/n." Toji crossed his arms, if he flexed his biceps any more his suit would burst. "Was you seriously eavesdropping?"

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now