Lies have a way of coming out.

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Before they could continue, one of the nurses interrupts them.

Sanem had been sitting out for too long in her injured state and she needed rest.

Assuring her that they will work on their communication, Jaan gets up and wheels Sanem inside

Without arguing with the nurse as he could see that Sanem was getting tired.

Her health would always be a top priority.

Sanem did not realize how much she had exerted that day and by the time they manage to shift her back to her bed, she falls into a deep exhausted sleep

Everyone was relieved and happy to have their Sanem back but the road to recovery was paved with lot of struggle.

Sanem not only had to undergo physical therapy, she was determined to have an open communication relationship with Jaan.

Over the few weeks though, she concentrated on getting physically better.

Once she felt that there was a routine formed with her physical therapist, she would tackle her mental health and her relationship with Jaan.

In the mean while, Emre and Leila's relationship was working like a well oiled machine.

Even Ayhan and Jeje seemed to be in a good place.

"Ooofff, how is that the ice princesses, backstabber & Jeje have a better than relationship than me!" Sanem was not happy with her current relationship status.

"That is because we all tend to live in real world." chirped Ayhan from the door!

"Ayhan! ahhhh! Allah Allah! You scared me!" Sanem was so lost in her own thoughts that she did not realize that she had company.

"You were talking aloud; i chose to answer you instead of watching you chase your thought round in circle!" Ayhan said with a smirk.

"Really, it's like watching a puppy chase it's on tail, young grasshopper!"

I am not a grasshopper! How dare you!"

Poor Ayhan, she would always be the nerd and none of her family members or friends would ever get her references!

Brushing her annoyance, she focused on her confused friend.

"See, us mortals had be rooted but the two of you are tricky combo one a wanderer, the other a wonderer!"

Ayhan was feeling smug about her word play; sadly, Sanem was in no mood to appreciate the nuances of language, especially when it involved her life!

She huffed out a breath, about to rip a new one to Ayhan when Ayhan raises her hand in surrender "tamam, i will not joke about your relationship!"

Closing her eyes, Ayhan takes few dramatic calming breathes "breathe in, breathe ouuuuuuuttttttt" opening one eye she asks "have you calmed down?"

Sanem had no clue that she was supposed to follow her eccentric friend, just glares!

"ok ok! I will get serious!" Ayhan can see that her theatrics will not distract Sanem and its time to get serious!

"So what exactly do you want to do with Jaan?"

Over the weeks, Ayhan & Osman had slid back to their role of Sanem's sounding board and they knew all about the uphill battle these two love birds had to face.

Ayhan thought it was better to seek professional help but Sanem did not want to talk to a stranger about her relationship.

She needed someone who could guide her throughout life. Not right here right now!

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