Meeting The Kaya's.

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At Divit house, over the breakfast table, Emre tells Jaan that one of their new clients wanted to meet him and will be coming to the agency first thing in the morning.

Emre briefly updates Jaan about their clients wanting to revamp their fishing company as their father would be retiring soon.

It was the new blood taking over but the father wanted to meet with Jaan before they signed with Fikri Harika.

Since Jaan was absconding till now, Emre had been evading a meeting and now that Jaan is back, they can finally meet face to face.

Jaan is about to ask Emre about his relationship with Aylin when Emre gets an important call and he excuses himself.

In the meantime, Jaan tries to concentrate on his breakfast, but in the end, leaves it unfinished as he is still feeling unsettled.

He might have run away to recharge himself, but he still has this dreadful feeling in the pit of his stomach, a sense of foreboding.

Jaan reaches the office early again, in hopes to find Sanem alone and sort things out once and for all between them. He has truly missed her. Just being in her presence had made him peaceful, even if she was running around like a hurried butterfly, there was a peacefulness surrounding him.

He had thought running away was the only way he could find peace, but he had been anxious, annoyed, and agitated the whole time he was away from Sanem. The only moment of happiness was when he realized that Sanem had tracked him down and was on the other end of the radio.

But this morning seems to be a repeat of the previous day, and Sanem seems to be missing. Again.

Jaan searches the entire office, unable to find her, decides to leave the office to search and sort everything out between them once and for all when Emre catches him in the passage - Abey, were you leaving?

It's all Jaan could do from yelling, but he realizes that he has run away from his responsibilities for too long and needs to care for the agency too.

Biting a curse he asks - can it wait?

Emre shakes his head and doesn't have time to figure out his brother's mood right now as any minute now the new clients will be walking in and he needs to update Jaan on everything, even though he had briefly updated him at their home but Jaan had appeared to be distracted and it seemed like he had not come out of his funk.

He takes a stalk of the people present in the office, and notices the absence of Sanem & Leyla, though he too would have preferred to at least have greeted Leyla first thing in the office, it seems today was not the day to be pine over one's love!

He could already see the Kaya siblings walking through the main door, pasting a smile on his face, he goes to greet Azra first, and then Ayaz turns to introduce Jaan to the sibling, who has transformed into the epitome of professionalism! It never fails to amaze this quality of his brother!

Shaking hands Azra apologizes with a smile "Hope you don't mind but our father is running a little bit behind, he just returned from his trip and forgot that we had scheduled this meeting"

The brothers assure them that it's not an issue and steer them towards the conference room, posting Guliz on the entrance till the senior Kaya Bey arrives.

Emre notices the difference in the attitude of the siblings from their last disastrous meeting and is ever thankful for Sanem for hunting down Jaan back!

After the pleasantries are over, the siblings get down to discussing how they wanted an overhaul in their marketing strategy and what changes they would like to make.

They all were deep into the meeting when suddenly Guliz knocks on the door announcing the new guest's arrival.

Everyone gets up to greet the newcomer, a sharply dressed older guy in his late 70s.

The kaya siblings greet their father and introduce the Divit brothers. Jaan offers senior kaya bey his seat at the front of the conference table.

As everyone is time-bound, the Kaya siblings rush to bring their baba up to date with all they had discussed so far. Jaan and Emre give their inputs wherever required.

Over all the meeting seems to be going smoothly according to Emre.

As they come towards the end of the meeting, the kaya siblings get up to take their leave when their baba stops them, Jaan stays quite, anticipating with dread.

His instincts don't disappoint, with a stern look senior Kaya bey turns to Jaan and says - you still have that gloomy aura about you, haven't you apologized to Sanem yet?

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