The 'I fucked up' moment!

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And there it was! It's all Jaan can do to run away again!

Since the minute senior Kaya bey had entered, Jaan was perplexed with why he had not acknowledged him, after all, they did spend an entire week at the boat and the old coot was not this serious no-nonsense shipping magnet!

Emre and the Kaya siblings are clueless yet refrain from commenting. 

It seemed Kaya bey still wasn't going to make it easier for him, Aslan bey teases - comes on now old man, are you not going to tell everyone how you know me? I am an important person! Aren't you supposed to win me over? You should be dropping my name to get work! My reference alone is worth in gold!

Right this moment, drowning the senior Kaya in Bosphorus appealed the most to Jaan but the reality was they were in his office with no water surrounding them! And they needed this account. But that doesn't mean Jaan cannot give as good as he gets!

He compromises, pastes a smile on his face, and says - Aslan bey, I thought you had a twin and were his evil brother but having spent time with the old man on the boat, I was not sure who the real evil one was!

Emre is shocked by this behaviour as Jaan is always the epitome of professionalism. Whereas the Kaya siblings burst out laughing agreeing with Jaan - oh yeah, baba is two personalities in one and both of them are evil!

A flabbergasted Emre can just watch on as everyone is laughing like they all have known each other for ages!

Aslan bey takes pity on him and says - you know Jaan was on a boat for an entire week? Right?

Emre can only nod. Aslan bey gleefully continues "well, he was on my boat! The idiot even did hard labour for free! best deal ever! But most of the time he kept brooding! It was only when Sanem managed to catch hold of him did he stop moping around!" Aslan bey turns to his daughter and says "moping guys are worse than teenagers! And I had to suffer this giant lug in silence!! Can u imagine that!"

Azra goes on to point out that the whole point of the boating trip was some solace, but having grown up with him, knew that it was a futile effort. Giving her old father an indulging smile she bids farewell to everyone else as the siblings had a hectic day ahead at the office.

Aslan bey stays back as they had come in separate vehicles and was more interested in Jaan's love life. Also, he was extremely curious to meet the mysterious enigma called 'Sanem'

Having settled back in his previous chair like the royalty he was, Aslan bey asks "So? Why haven't you apologized?"

Emre gets a call and excuses himself, while Jaan is trying to figure out how to escape like everyone else.

But here's the thing, he could do with some counsel, and right now the only person available was the old coot!

Giving in he sits and briefs everything to Aslan bey who keeps shaking his head the entire time, confusing Jaan further.

"So you messed up BEFORE running away? Then came back and made matters worse!! How is it possible that one person can be this dense?"

And there it was! The thing Jaan was dreading confronting which he knew Aslan bey would put out bluntly without sugar coating!

"Tamam! I get it! I am a fool, but in my defence, I am not used to being answerable in a relationship"

Aslan bey can only scoff at the fool sitting in front of him! Of course, no one wanted to hold the Greek God answerable! What kind of shallow relationship has this guy been in all his life?

Aslan bey takes pity on Jaan and advices "If you really want her in your future, you better pull up socks, grovel, apologise and then explain everything to her! it seems you both have communication problem! and communication is the foundation of a long happy married life!"

Jaan, who has only seen his parent's married life is grateful to have a sensible person guiding him, now all he needs to do was find Sanem and talk! All his trouble will be over! 

Aslan bey watches Jaan process his words and now is even more curious to meet Sanem, it seems she is the one person who is capable of getting Jaan to change his way of living. 

Mentally rubbing his hands he settles down to enjoy the show. ooooh, this was going to be fun!

Whereas Jaan is in no mood to air his dirty laundry further in front of Aslan bey, he would prefer to grovel in front of Sanem privately, thank you very much.

Jaan spots Guliz and subtly mimes an important call, Guliz who loves being overdramatic hurriedly follows & brings in a phone saying-

"Jaan bey you have an urgent call"

Jaan pretends to be disheartened to cut short their meeting and asks Guliz to escort Aslan bey out as he has to take this call.

Aslan bey, even though knowing that it's all an act lets it go for the moment, after all even he understands that some things are meant to be private. Too bad he couldn't meet Sanem.

With that he bids farewell & leaves with Guliz.

Jaan breathes a sigh of relief and goes on the hunt for Sanem, who as usual is hiding in her original office.

The basement.

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