.....two steps back.

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"Who are you"??????????

"Allah Allah!! That's the first thing out of your mouth Sanem? And not what happened? Notice the bandages & this severe headache girl!"Sanem's inner voice taunts! 

She bats her hand away to shush the voice and turns her attention to her parents who are staring at her with a shocked expression.

It's not like they don't know she has a foot in the mouth disease what's their problem?

Before anyone could say anything to her, the doctor shines a torch in her eyes! "Ouch! Give me some warning!" she is getting irritated by the minute!

"Enough already! Will somebody answer what is happening!" she demands and instead the doctor asks "do you remember getting into an accident?"

By now Sanem has become aware of the massive headache; she grabs her head in distress and says "no"

Then the doctor starts asking a bunch of questions "what day is today?" "What is the last you remember?"

She replies "May 2018, I was working at my baba's grocery store and anney had threatened me, that she will marry me off to zeberzet!!" "Allah Allah kill me now! Am I married to muzzafer?" "Anney!!!!"

Nihat and Mevkibe try to assure their daughter that nothing of such sort has happened and that she had been in an accident.

May 2018!!!

The minute she utters the date, there was a shockwave in the room!

Jaan feels as if someone has sucker-punched him to the wall! Sanem doesn't remember a whole year! A whole year of working at Fikri Harika! And she doesn't remember him, just like she had cursed before getting hit by Aylin!

The doctor again asks " are you sure that you are remembering correctly" and Sanem gloats "I have a photographic memory! I never forget!"

Her parents are giving her weird looks and the stranger seems to be in shock, somebody needs to tell her who he was and why she couldn't take her eyes off of him! 

He feels like a lighthouse in this sea of chaos, calling to her. 

But for the life of her, she can't recall who he was and the more she stresses her brain, the massive the headache becomes making her dizzy. She closes her eyes for the dizziness to pass and hears the doctor shuffle everyone out of the room to let her rest.

She is quite thankful for the respite. She was feeling like a bug under the microscope since she had woken up and all she wanted to do was sleep. With a tired yawn, she dozes off again.

Outside Sanem's room, the doctor explains to everyone that Sanem has temporary amnesia and she seems to have blanked some period of her life, which was pretty common in the case of head traumas. 

It might just take overnight to get her memory back or they will have to slowly work on reminding her about the last year. It was also a possibility that she might never recollect that particular time.

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