We need to talk.

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Jaan on the other hand is silently brooding sitting further away from Sanem on a bench.

He has no clue what's going on with Sanem and it scares him to think that she would end things with him!

How would he survive then? What if Sanem recovers her memories and realizes she never truly loved him? That she was better off him?

He is still brooding when he gets a notification on his phone.

An unknown sender with a clip and a message attached – thank me later. Sahin.

The hacker kid?

Why would he be sending him anything? And why would he be thanking him later? Weird kid!

Absentmindedly he opens the video and there is his vibrant Sanem dancing in the white dress in the middle of the street announcing to the world that the Albatross is Jaan bey!

He can't help but laugh at her complete disregard for everyone around the street and just grabbing the mike from the singer to announce once again that albatross and Jaan bey were the same!

He clearly remembers that night when he had finally disclosed his real identity to Sanem and remembers kissing her for the second time, this time as Jaan and not some mysterious guy in a darkened theatre!

Oh, how he had wanted Sanem to stay back with him then! But she had gotten nervous and fled, he was not sure of her feelings even back then but watching this video of hers yelling at the top of her volume somehow reassures him that, that innocent naïve Sanem did love him in her innocent way.

It's a happy memory, of times when everything was rose-tinted, not marred by betrayal and abandonment issues.

Maybe if he showed this to Sanem, it would jog her memory?

He looks in Sanem's direction to see whether she was ready to go inside when he spots Aslan Bey sitting in a folding chair beside Sanem.

Not trusting the old coot, he rushes towards them!

He can hear both of them laughing and by the time he reaches them Sanem is singing "let it go" and Aslan Bey looking like a petulant child.

Hoping to overhear their conversation without alerting them, Jaan lingers behind the tree when Aslan Bey says "I think it's time to go and meet my friend"

Sanem replies "oh yes, your old friend, I completely forgot about him! I hope he recovers soon!"

Aslan Bey lets out a boisterous laugh "that old man will never recover!"

Sanem is thoroughly confused at this and says "huh" when Jaan decides to intervene; he moves out from his hiding place and asks "really? You have an old friend recovering over here Aslan Bey?"

Aslan Bey is in no mood to pacify Jaan and says "you have to admit, you behave worst than an injured old man!"

Where Jaan only huffs Sanem is shocked that Aslan Bey was referring to Jaan as his old man! "What! Jaan is your old friend? I thought your friend was some 80yr old with some terminal illness"

Aslan Bey only smirks and says "if the shoe fits!"

Before Sanem can outrage, Jaan puts a hand on her mouth, shutting her effectively "the more you get pissed, the more he will goad you!"

Sanem gives Aslan Bey the evil eye and he puts up his hands in surrender to stop teasing Jaan.

"I can't help it! An eavesdropper will never hear anything good from my side!" he smugly points at Jaan.

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