Evil is, as evil does!

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A frantic Jaan runs towards the accident. 

He can barely process what just happened right before his eyes.

He is so focused on Sanem lying on the ground, not moving and blood seems to come out of her head that he doesn't even have time to see who the driver was.

His entire focus is on Sanem. All he cares about is Sanem!

The entire Fikri Harika is out on the road trying to see what has happened. 

Emre has the presence of mind to check the driver.

A distraught Aylin comes out of the driver's side.

Emre was well versed with all of Aylin's real/ fake expressions and this was no accident! he grabs her while Jaan is checking for Sanem's injuries.

Emre yells at Guliz and Jeje to call for an ambulance and police.

But Jaan knows they don't have time to waste, luckily his truck is parked right in front of the office. Checking for injuries he gently lifts Sanem into his arms and yells at Leyla to open the back door of his truck & commanding her to sit with Sanem's head in her lap.

He has no time to waste, no time to think about what has happened, he cannot afford to let the panic in.

Running on pure adrenaline right now his top priority is to get Sanem to the hospital as fast as possible.

Once reaching the hospital he rushes towards the emergency entrance and yells for help.

The hospital staff immediately carry out a stretcher to the car. With Jaan's help, they all transfer an unconscious Sanem and wheel her towards the emergency unit where the doctor is being briefed on their way by a frantic Leyla.

By the time they reach the ICU unit, the doctors have been updated and the Operation Theatre has been cleared to admit Sanem. A nurse approaches Leyla to fill out the necessary forms.

Jaan begins pacing outside the OT, with the accident continuously playing at the back of his mind in a loop, his hell on repeat mode!

Leyla had managed to inform their parents & that they were on their way to the hospital, all she could do was wait.

Emre comes, having dealt with Aylin. She was in police custody now and they were going to press charges but he needed to be with his brother in his time of need.

It's all Jaan could do to break down; he cannot imagine a life without Sanem! They hadnt even sorted things between them & now this! He cannot help but recall her last words to him, they felt like barbed wire drenched in acid to his soul ! 

But he has always been the strong one, now was not the time to give in to his emotions.

A frantic Mevkibe & Nihat rush to the hospital and Mevkibe is not surprised to see Leyla accompanied by the Divit brothers.

Nihat on the other hand is too distraught to pay attention to anything but knowing about his precious daughter Sanem!

But they can't do anything but pray till the surgery is over. After what seems like an eternity, the nurse comes out & then the doctor informs them that Sanem has suffered a severe brain injury with her right leg & arm fractured and they have her in an induced coma for 3 days for her brain to heal. Nihat is inconsolable by this news; Leyla & Mevkibe try to get him to get a grip, whereas Jaan once again is the steady, calm anchor in these turbulent times outwardly. Internally he wants to hit someone and break things. But that won't help in healing Sanem quickly.

He asks in detail what that means and how dangerous the situation is.

The doctor assures them that Sanem will have a full recovery but they need to let her rest and advises the family to go home to rest.

The hospital staff will inform the family when they would be ready to wake Sanem up from her induced coma.

Nobody moves even after the doctor leaves.

Sanem gets transferred to the ICU recovery unit and visitors are not allowed after one point.

Eventually, Osman & Ayhan takes the Aydins back home.

Emre has to go to the police station to get the Aylin matter sorted

Jaan stays back. Even a force of thousand elephants couldn't have dragged him from the hospital's waiting room. He refuses to leave Sanem's side till she won't asks him to, till then, he was staying put!

At the police station, Aylin sits in the holding cell with a disturbing calmness to her. She appears to be wearing a cloak of menace, which even the constables can sense. Luckily no one is required to be holed up with the evil incarnation and she is left alone.

Emre finds her sitting with that surreal menacing calmness and it gives him the creeps and not for the hundredth time he wonders what did he see in her!

Emre is accompanied by a constable and Aylin says with a smirk "welcome to my humble abode Emre bey, would you care to join me for some coffee?"

Emre who is on his last thread of patience bangs the bars and agitatedly says, "cut the crap Aylin! Why did you run over Sanem?"

Aylin pretends to be offended but when she sees Emre was not buying her act, drops it and snarls "because she has been a thorn at my side from day one!"

After that, she just gets unhinged "since damn day one! How is that possible! She has always managed to one-up me! She is a naïve girl from Mahale! She shouldn't even be working at Fikri Harika! And this time I was so sure that Jaan won't be coming back, that he is gone for good! I would be heading Fikri Harika had she not gone and found Jaan in the freaking middle of the sea! How? How!!! Did she manage that!"

The more Aylin rants, the more deranged she appears and Emre wonders whether she even cared for him ever? has she always been this cunning evil or Jaan's appearance made her so? Did she think he would let her be the sole owner of his legacy? What kind of a fool did she think he was?

Emre who has had it with people underestimating him, first baba and now Aylin, turns to leave.

Seeing this Aylin does a roundabout change in her attitude and begs Emre to get her out of the prison, she was angry and she wasn't thinking clearly before hitting Sanem! It was an accident!

Emre was not getting fooled this time round he says over his shoulder " we could have been brilliant together Aylin, but you never wanted a partner, you wanted a puppet to lead by your strings, this is me cutting those strings. See you at your trial, Fikri Harika will be providing the video evidence against you!"

With that, he leaves Aylin stomping her foot and yelling at him to get back and talk to her. But Emre feels much lighter, even though with the day they have had, he had a good feeling for the future.

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