One step forward...

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Usually, he would come up with an excuse to talk to her but today was important, he had to clear things out with Sanem, and make her understand his reasons for hiding things from her.

He didn't want them to feel indebted to him, whatever he did, it was to protect Sanem, to make her family's life easier.

Sanem however doesn't look in a mood to be listening.

Still, he approaches - "Sanem"

Sanem is not surprised that Jaan sought her out here in the basement. She wanted to get her work done and get out of here, but that doesn't look to be happening. 

Hitting print on her work she goes to retrieve her printout. Ignoring Jaan.

"So you are not going to even look at me now?"

Jaan is getting irritated by her avoidance. 

She takes her printout, puts it in an envelope, and heads out, Jaan blocks her exit - "you are not getting away this time Sanem! We need to talk". 

Sanem who has had it with his high-handedness loses her patience! 

"Fine! I was as such going to HR, you might directly hear from me! I quit!"

For a min Jaan cannot comprehend her words, then they are stuck like a lightning bolt, he snatches the envelope from her hand, checks the content, and shreds the letter!

"Allah Allah! You are not quitting over such a silly thing!" 

Sanem knew that confronting Jaan was of no use, his shredding of the letter proves her point that he does not respect her wishes.

Fuming she tries to storm out of the basement once again.

Jaan tries to catch her again but this time she is too pissed to be touched. 

Raising her hand she calmly says - "do not touch me"

This scares Jaan more than anything in his life.

The sense of foreboding comes back tenfold, he can see Sanem slipping away from him emotionally and it is completely unacceptable to him, he would rather have hurricane Sanem than this calm and collected Sanem.

But he has to respect her wishes and goes to placate her saying "Tamam, I respect your wishes..." 

Sanem cuts him in middle, points at the scattered paper, and says "respect me? Jaan bey, I don't think you know the meaning of respecting someone!"

Jaan didn't expect this, his volcanic nature lashes out "what do you mean! I know how to give respect, you cannot point fingers at my integrity! Especially when u kept things from me!"

And that's the crux of everything.

Jaan still refused to see his fault. 

Sanem is done with him and storms out of the building in anger.

Jaan manages to catch hold of her just as she is about to cross the road, without even checking the oncoming traffic!

"Sanem! Do you have a death wish crossing the road like that?!"

Jaan is yelling now. Anger is rolling off him in waves that she can feel the current with how close he is standing to her.

Sanem has just had it with his high-handedness. His attitude grating at her nerves, even if he was trying to look out for her.

She pushes past the part of her that leaps up at him showing he cares and focuses on the part of her anger that hates being treated like she cannot take care of herself. 

She brushes his hands off in irritation and yells "I am done with everything related to this company and with you! I wish I could just forget you!" 

She lets him see her anger and for her words to register before she turns about.

A distressed Sanem crosses the road, fighting the tears pushing against her eyes. She never hears the engine as she blindly crosses the street. Before she can even blink a car collides with her in a sickening crunch.

The collision seemed to happen out of nowhere and at that moment, time stood still.

One moment Sanem was on the sidewalk with roads practically empty and just as she steps into the road to get away from Jaan, the next instant she felt the hit & got thrown out, with a sharp pain to her skull, it was an instant blackout.

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