A Deal with God

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Max falls back as she reaches the edge, landing on the grass with a thud and a gasp. She sits up and standing before her, was Vecna. She stares at him with a mixture of horror and fear, different from the horror and fear she had been feeling in the presence of Billy and Chris. "It is time, Max."

Vecna looms over her, a cold and unfeeling expression written upon his face as he stalks towards her. 

"Time for you...to join me."

Max picks herself up quickly and books it past Vecna, trying to get as far away from him as she could. She constantly looks back as Vecna simply watches her run, not making a single move to stop her from fleeing.

After all, she was a mouse in his maze. She would tire herself out and then Vecna would swoop in, claiming his next victim.

"Max! Max!" The boys shout at Max, trying multiple ways to bring the unconscious body of Max back to the real world. "Max you gotta get out of there!" "Can you hear me?!" Lucas roughly shakes Max's shoulder and Steve grabs Dustin, pulling Dustin's attention to him. "Call Nancy and Robin!" Steve yells and he lets go of Dustin who scrambles back "Go get 'em! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!" Panic lancing his lungs as he orders Dustin who quickly stands up and rushes to the car. 

Muttering curses Dustin pulls the walkie out of the car and increases the antenna. "Nancy? Robin? Do you copy?! This is a code red! Do you copy?!"

No Response

"Shit!" Dustin cries out, glancing back at the others and increasing the range "Robin!!" Dustin cries out, praying for a response. 

The two girls in question follow the warden of Pennhurst as he and two guards are escorting the two off of the property. "You aren't listening! Our friend is in danger!" Nancy argues and the warden scoffs "Do you really expect me to believe anything you have to say at this point?!" Nancy gives him a gobsmacked look "It's the truth!" "You are free to tell your sob story to the police." He curtly tells her as they pass the patients. Robin slows down slightly, noticing the patients listening to classical music. "Move along." One of the guards shoves her forward and Robin glares "Don't touch me!"

They get outside and Robin saddles up to Nancy. "Victor said the night of the attack, everything went on in the house, but he made a specific mention of music. He said music was playing."

An older Victor Creel clutches his head, his eyes welded shut from his failed attempt. "But then..I heard..another voice." 

"Dream A Little Dream of Me" begins to play in his head as his hands let go of his head.

"At first I thought it was an angel.. and I followed her.."

"And then when we asked him about the angel, he started to hum." 

Victor hums as he cradles his pillow, rocking himself back and forth on his cot.

Robin repeats the lyrics he had hummed out to Nancy "Little Dream of Me!" Nancy deduces and Robin nods "Ella Fitzgerald" "The voice of an angel." "Yeah. Hatch said that music can reach parts of the brain that words can't. So, maybe, that's the key. A lifeline." "A lifeline back to reality." Nancy finishes and Robin nods "It's worth a shot." Nancy glances back at the guards "I think we can beat him." "What?" Robin asks "To the car.." "Okay, I am warning you right now: I have terrible coordination, okay? It took me like six months longer to walk than all the other babies." Nancy breathes out "Just..follow my lead" Nancy then grabs Robin's hand and drags her away "No, oh my god!" Robin cries out as they rush off.

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