Freedom's Shadow

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So..quick question before I start the chapter:

Should I give this story a "Mature" tag? I'm not certain on it and would love some feedback

Summery for those who skipped the last chapter due to all the intense themes involved:

Chris was teleported into the woods of Hawkins outside the lab and after a nasty fight, Chris is cuffed and captured. Owens tells Chris that he has always had 2 powers, he just does not remember. Silva had managed to block Chris' telekinesis but since she did not know about the telekinesis thought that Disintegration was Chris' only power. 

Owens informs Chris of the portal and the Demogorgan proposing that Chris allows Owens to unblock his telekinesis in order to save the ones he loves. Chris agrees and the process begins but in the middle of it, Dr. Henry Dawn overthrows Owens and takes control of the experiment. He begins to torture Chris to high extremes while having two other scientists do the same to Terra. 

Owens and a couple of guards manage to free Terra and now they group move to free Chris from Henry.

Hope you enjoyed the recap and now enjoy this chapter:

Henry stares at Chris as he struggles against the tight leather straps that hold hims arms and legs in place. Henry allows a large grin to fill his face as he inputs a sequence and Chris starts to squirm, having already starting to adapt to the current though his strength fails and he starts to cry out in agony before Henry stops the sequence. 

"Free his arms" Henry's voice echoes into the microphone and one of the guards unstraps Chris' arms allowing him to punch the guard before grasping the guard's neck with all five fingers, quickly turning the guard to dust. 

Henry glares at Chris who simply glares back. "Disappointing Number very disappointing. You were suppose to kill him with your telekinesis." Chris continues to glare at the man "GO TO HELL!!" Henry snorts at the notion and quickly inputs another sequence, shocking Chris who spasms under the shock. 

Henry stops the shocks and speaks again "This time, use your telekinesis." A guard slowly walks up to Chris, quivering as he does. The guard quickly turns toward Henry "I didn't sign up for this, let me go!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!" Henry sighs with a roll of his eyes "Hurry up with this one Number Twelve, his pleas are annoying me." Chris stares at the doctor and then the guard in horror who stares at the teen in shock. "I- "I won't let you kill me..I WON'T LET YOU!!" The guard grabs a surgical knife and rushes at Chris who's eyes widen in shock and outstretches his hand in fear and looks away. 

The man raises into the air and the man drops the knife in fear "NO-no,no,no,no!!" Henry's annoyance is quickly replaced with glee. "YES, do it Number Twelve, kill him!" Chris who slowly looks at the man who hovers above the ground, struggling against the invisible force, holding him. "Put me down, PUT ME DOWN!! Please!" the man sobs and Henry's annoyance quickly comes back "KILL HIM NUMBER TWELVE!!" 





Chris, slowly and with difficulty, places the man back on the ground and he quickly scrambles away from the room, running away. 

Chris watches the man leave before looking at Henry who glares at the boy with hate in his eyes. "Fine, since you do not wish to cooperate with the higher authority here, you will b- "The higher authority is me, Henry." "Sam.." Henry notices Terra and the soldiers behind him "So you rallied a failure and a couple of traitors? I run the scene now Sam, I'm the director and I'm sure these fine gentlemen here will realize that when they're paycheck is a lot less then they expect." The soldiers glance at one another before raising their guns at Henry. Owens glances at the soldiers "Just let the kid go Henry, we aren't doing things like fact you've taken things a lot further then Brenner." 

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