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Somewhere in the Arizona Desert:

The echoes of the screams of scientists and guards fill the halls of the base as one lone injured soldier crawls across the floor, the stump where is leg use to be bleeding profusely.He whimpers in pain, praying that the demon who had destroyed the base wouldn't find him but he had no such luck.

The echo of footsteps fills the empty hall and the guard gains the courage to look back, praying to whatever deity that would listen, that those footsteps belong to someone, anyone else. Unfortunately for him, his prayers weren't answered

For even the deities above, feared the man that was walking down that hall. Standing menacingly above the guard, was Chris. Specks of drying and fresh blood littered his body, his hand pushing some hair back while he grins down at the man below him.

None of the blood on him, was his

"Afternoon, soldier" Chris' voice speaks out and the soldier closes his eyes with fear. "Just do it quickly, please!" The man begs and the room is silent for a moment before Chris laughs "Ah, you don't understand. I have a question to ask you." The soldier slowly peaks open his eyes, seeing Chris standing over him. "You see, I'm trying to find someone and I'm just a wee bit on a tight schedule so if you could just give me his location, it will help us both out."

"W-who..who are you looking for?" The soldier asks and Chris grins, squatting down to the soldier "Great question: I'm looking for a Dr. Martin Brenner. You know, the one with horrible people skills, clearly has parental trauma, and tortures children physically and mentally for his own experiments? Ring any bells?" The soldier gives him a confused look and Chris sighs with disappointment. 

"Ugh, another base and another failure." Chris glares as his eye twitches with annoyance. "I've cleared Utah out and now I've cleared Arizona but I still am nowhere closer!" Chris drags his hand across his face sighing "I guess N-

"Basic soldiers and officers don't know squat about Dr. Brenner, he's classified information." The soldier and Chris look over to see a general standing at the end of the hallway. "Well that would explain a lot. A bit of a waste unfortunately." Chris deadpans and glances at the soldier "Sorry not sorry" Chris shrugs before turning towards the general. "Now, about the doctor?

"And what do I get in exchange for this information?" Chris stares at him for a second before laughing "Are you serious? Do you not know who I am?" The general rolls his eyes "I know exactly who you are but I have something you want." Chris glares for a second "Well I'm sure some other general who is more willing to give me what I want will pop up."

"And how long do you think that will take?" Chris glares at the general once more, the old man was really getting on his nerves. 

Too long, unfortunately, Utah and Arizona were easy to clear because there was only a few. Nevada has a lot more and most of them might even be wastes of time.

"Ugh..fine, what do you want?" The general smiles coyly "See, that wasn't so hard." Chris throws up jazz hands and rolls his eyes "Oh fancy pants rich McGee over here." Chris then flips him the bird "Fuck you." The general laughs and motions to the soldier "I want you to spare my grandson." Chris looks down at the soldier who blushes with embarrassment. "Hey, word of advice, if you want you relatives to live longer, don't sign em up for the military." The general rolls his eyes "Are you here for information or are you here to shit on my family?" Chris chuckles and steps past the soldier "Alright, old man, tell me what you know.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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