The Gensui Project

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---- September 14th, 1985 ----

----38.66859, -109.8759----

Dr. Martin Brenner walks through a decent sized corridor. A group of soldiers walk past him, each solider nodding their head with respect to the doctor. Martin nods his head as well, returning the gesture. It had been 2 months since the incident with Starcourt Mall. Two months since he was able to get his hands on the prize he had been searching for. While he would have preferred to have both Eleven and Twelve that day, he could only get his hands on one.


The wounds that boy had sustained from the other worldly creature were intense and it took multiple doctors to sustain his life. However, the boy was resilient. It was as if a single desire was keeping him alive. What that desire was, Martin could not tell. However, the doctor's leading theory was Twelve's hatred for him. The boy's power had activated several times whenever he was awake for those brief moments. 

A single touch was all it took

Martin had to replace about 7 doctors at this point before the construction of the tank was completed and they could place Twelve in there instead. A breathing mask was attached to the boy's face so he could breathe while floating inside the tank. However, he was kept asleep by a heavy amount of sedatives. The boy was given 4 sedatives a day: Midnight, Morning, Afternoon, and Night. That was the routine he was put under and that's how it would stay until his body was strong enough for the plan that Martin had in place for him. His powers of telekinesis and decay were growing at a faster pace than Martin had ever seen. It was fascinating to watch from the shadows as 001's monsters entered Hawkins. With Eleven's powers faded beyond a shadow of a doubt and her being far from Martin's reach, he would save Eleven as a back up plan.

Martin arrives at the central chamber watching as doctors work at a variety of computers with several soldiers standing guard around the central chamber prepared incase anything to the 7 foot tall tank in the middle of the room. Inside the tank, Twelve floated inside the clear water. There were several tubes attached to his body to help with a variety of functions. The main tubes were the tubes the kept his hands in place and a tube that covered his mouth and nose, providing him oxygen. "How is he today?" Martin asks a group of scientists and they step to the side, allowing him to view the screen which showed his scan. "His body is finally stabilizing. Right now, we would say he's at 75%." "To full strength?" Martin asks and the doctors nod their heads. Everything was going exactly the way he wanted things to go. His vision was coming to life. The failings of the past would be washed away with the recreation of the phenomena that was that boy oh so long ago. 

Chris raises his hands and sharply swings them down, snapping the tentacles off and causing the Mind Flayer to shriek in pain. It summons more tentacles, about 6 in total, all aiming towards Chris who glares with fury in his eyes. All 6 tentacles attack Chris from each side and Chris stops all the ones on his right with his hand, dodging the first two tentacles and turning them to dust before grabbing the third one. The Mind Flayer attempts to back away but Chris refuses to let go and the decay begins to spread to the entire body of the creature. It thrashes and smashes into several beams and railings, trying to escape its fate. 

Chris has a large, near terrifying grin on his face as his hands stay firm against the collection of melted skin, blood, bones, and organs. His grin still present as he watches the monster recoil and shriek in tremendous pain. "Die a miserable death!" The creature opens wide, six tentacles expanding from the jaw and reaching out toward Chris. But before it can reach Chris, the body seizes up and collapses to the ground.

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