Fool's Paradise

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WARNING!! The Following Content and future chapters will contain: Gore, violence, mature language, death, and other mature content. As of Season 4, this book will now be rated Mature. 

Thank you for reading, and enjoy :D


The party sits together in Mike's basement as they do their best to escape the summer heat. El lays her head in Mike's lap while the male plays with her hair. Lucas and Will laugh together as they share a joke with one another. Max sits by herself, smiling along with the two boys even though she doesn't understand what the joke was.

"Hey! Guess what me and Dustin found!" Max's eyes widen and her head turns along with everyone else to see Chris standing at the door in a t-shirt and shorts. In his hands was a large box of popsicles and the rest of the party cheers with relief at the sight of the treat. "Your saviors are here!" Dustin and Chris say with a bow and the rest of the party scramble to meet them and get their hands on something refreshing and cooling.

Chris and Dustin help each other pass out the different popsicles and Chris holds out a cherry red popsicle with a grin. "I saved you your favorite." Max gives him a genuine smile "How generous of you." Chris grins "Oh I know, I hated to fight off so many for it but I did it for you." "Well aren't you a brave one, Pac-star." Chris winks and clicks his fingers "Only for you Mad Max" Max blushes softly and grabs onto the popsicle while Chris pulls out the last popsicle left: purple grape. The two then join back with the rest of the party who are enjoying their summer treat. 

Max takes in Chris' features with a soft smile on her face as he jokes with Will. While he was slightly sweaty due to the heat, he still looked beautiful in her eyes. His dark brown hair softly covering his the back of his neck and pairing well with his greenish blue eyes. His smile was infectious and the girl could feel herself falling in love with him every time she gazed at him.

Chris catches her stare and turns to her with a smile. "Your popsicle will melt if you continue to stare at me and ignore it." Max laughs and stares down at the popsicle which had started to melt on the stick because of the heat. She puts the treat in her mouth with a grin, savoring the flavor and the cold temperature it brought. 

Night fell and Max sighs with relief. She and Chris had left after Dustin and Lucas who both thought that the basement had started to get a little too hot. Now it was just the couple by themselves, walking back to Max's house. "Well, despite the heat, that was fun." Chris comments and Max nods "Yeah, plus those popsicles really helped ward off the heat for a bit." Chris laughs "Yeah, they did." Max holds out her hand and Chris hesitates for a second before interlocking their hands. "Are you still nervous about accidentally disintegrating me?" Chris sighs with a nervous smile. "Yes and no. No because I know I can control it now, but yes because the chance of it happening terrifies me."

Max smiles and kisses his check "Well don't worry dummy. You won't ever disintegrate me." Chris giggles at the kiss and returns the kiss with his own. The two continue to walk in silence for a moment, enjoy the time together with the only sounds being made from their own feet, and the crickets around them.

"Do you miss this?"

Max turns her head to Chris in confusion "What did you say?" Chris smiles, though he doesn't look at her "Do you miss this? Being able to hold my hand?" Max smiles with confusion written all over her face. "What are you saying?" "Come on Mad Max, you can't live in the past forever. It's a fool's paradise." Max blinks and Chris' clean face is bloodied, battered, and bruised. Max gasps and pulls away. "Chris..?" Chris twists his head and stares at her with a coy smile. "Maxine.." Chris steps closer to her and his body morphs into Billy. Her step-brother stands before her with several bloody holes in his sides with a massive hole in the center of his chest. Max gasps and backs away in fear.

Billy launches toward her and grips her throat with one arm, making Max gasp for air and claw at Billy's arm, trying to pry his arm away from her. Billy's mouth opens unnaturally wide as Chris arms pry their way out of Billy's open mouth. Billy's mouth starts to bleed and his arm goes limp frees Max, who tumbles to the ground.

Chris grins down at her as blood drops down from his mouth, nose, and eyes. Then, which a sudden movement, he lunges at Max. His hand outstretched as he aims for her face, making Max scream in fear-





Max launches forward on her bed, her shirt soaked with sweat and her face pale as a ghost. She clutches her throat as tears begin to well in her eyes and she finds the ability to breathe near impossible. She desperately clutches onto her throat, attempting to relieve the tension that had built up inside her lunges. "Max?" A distant voice asks but it doesn't register in Max's mind "Max?!" Max suddenly feels arms around her body and she whirls around, frightened beyond belief. 

When she turned, Max was face to face with her mother, who watched her with worry clear in her eyes. "Max, darling, deep breathes okay? You gotta take deep breathes." She says while carefully placing her arms on Max but Max swipes her hands away. "D-don't! Don't..touch me!!" Her mother's eyes widen before nodding, sitting next to Max. "Alright darling, alright. I won't touch you. But you have to take deep breathes, okay? Focus on my face, and take deep breathes. Can you do that for me?" Max begins to do as her mother asks, taking breathes and nodding slowly as the tears begin to dry up.

"There you go, you're okay, you're okay." A few moments later, and Max lets out a tired sigh as her breathing returns to normal and her tears were gone. "I'm so sorry darling." Max's mother tells her, sitting next to her daughter. "Chris was such a nice boy..and..while Billy wasn't the kindest to you or me, he still had a good heart, when it counted." Max looks at her mother with puffy eyes. "H-ow.. how did you know?" Her mother smiles "A mother always knows."

Max sighs and looks down "I really miss him.." Her mother gives her a sympathetic look "Why don't you go back to bed honey? My alarm was the reason you woke up after all." Max looks at the time:

5:30 am

She then looks back at her mother. "Why do you have an alarm set so early?" Her mother looks away. "Expenses have gone up again, I've gotten a second job so I can hopefully pay off our debts." Max looks away from her and back to her bed. "Oh" Her mother smiles "Hey, let me worry about that stuff okay? Get some more sleep darling." Max reluctantly nods and gets back into bed. "Good luck with work." Max tells her and she smiles "Thank you Maxine, I appreciate it." Max then turns over, and places her head on the pillow while her mother leaves the room.


Max's ears perk up and she turns once more, listening to her mother who appeared to be on the phone.

"Yes, I know it is early but it is important."

"Does Hawkins High offer therapy?"

Max's eyes widen, understand what her mother was doing.

"Oh really? That's great, how much does it cost?"

At that very moment, Max would of rather been in Fool's Paradise


Welcome to Season 4 Ladies and Gentlemen >:3

I'm gonna enjoy writing this Season hehehehe

Partners in Crime - Max MayfieldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang