The Calm Before the Storm

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Welcome Back!!

Chris finally arrives at the mall, getting off of the bus that he had taken to get there. People swamped the entrance to the building, everyone trying to escape the heat and enjoy the nice air condition the mall provided. Now only two questions presented themselves to Chris

1) Mike must of gone here to buy El a gift for lying to her and dragged Lucas and Will with him


2) Chris had no idea where they could possibly be 

So he did the only thing that seemed like a reasonable idea to him and began to search through the entire mall for Will, Mike, and Lucas. 

Which, surprisingly, didn't take him as long as he thought it would. Chris found the trio of boys staring at a multitude of girl's under wear and other assortments, petrifying the boys. "Well well well, I didn't know you boys were so perverted." Will, Chris, and Lucas whip around to see Chris walking up behind them with a small smirk on his face. "Chris?!" Lucas and Mike ask in shock and Will smiles slightly "Hey Chris" Chris smiles back "Hey Will..So...what's going on? And why are you looking in..this store?" Lucas and Mike begin to stutter out a reason but Will beats them to it. "Mike lied to El and now he wants to give her a gift to apologize." Mike smiles and finds his confidence "And we haven't been able to find anything, but now that you're here maybe we could- Chris raises his hand, stopping Mike from speaking. "Nope" Chris chuckles and shakes his head. "Nope, nope, nope, I'm not helping you 'find a gift'. The shit here is overpriced and honestly, you two needed a break. I mean, you ditched all of us yesterday just so you and El could hang out in private, which you do almost 7 days a week." Mike stares at him flabbergasted "Yeah well- "I really hope you aren't trying to bring up me and Max as a viable excuse." Chris glares at Mike and the teen instantly backs down. "Now come on, you're not going to find anything, and you should really spend more time with your friends." 

Despite, being dragged outside by Chris, Mike began to strategize with Lucas on how they could make more money to buy El a gift; Much to Chris and Will's annoyance. "What if I just mow Old-Man Humphrey's lawn?" Lucas shakes his head "That won't work, I already do that." "Well that's ridiculous! Why can't I?" Mike, Lucas, Will, and Chris pull their bikes off of the rack as Mike and Lucas have their discussion. "There isn't much alright?" "Well what if we split it?" "Split it? How that doesn't even make sense!" "Well isn't this a nice surprise." Max says mockingly and Chris waves to the girl who smiles lightly at him.

Mike stares at El in shock as his bike falls along with his jaw. "What are you doing here?" Mike asks El, pointing a finger at her. El simply glares at Mike "Shopping" Max glances at Mike with a smirk "This is her new style. What do you think?" "What's wrong with you? You know she's not suppose to be here." Mike glares at Max "What is she? Your little pet?" " I your pet?" Chris raises an eyebrow at the interaction. 

"What? No!" "Then why do you treat me like garbage?" "What?" El tilts her head "You said Nana was sick." "She is. She is sick." Mike looks to Mike, Will, and Chris to back him up. "Yeah, she is, she is sick." Will simply looks away, wishing to be anywhere other then there and Chris rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he watches the circus act. "She's super sick, that's why we're here actually." "Yeah, we're shopping. Not for us, but for her, for Nana." "Hm..I didn't know your Nana's name was El." Chris says mockingly making Will and Max snicker slightly while Mike glares at him. Mike turns back to El "But, we also came to get a gift for you. Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you and I only have like, $3.50, so it's hard." "Super hard" Lucas adds on "It's..really expensive." El simply looks at Mike, not buying what he was saying at all. "You lie..why do you lie?" The bus arrives behind them and El glances at it before facing Mike again. El walks closer to the teen and he fidgets slightly as she approaches him. 

"I dump your ass." 

Max gives a shocked yet happy smile while Mike, Lucas, and Will stare at El surprised. Meanwhile Chris snorts and snickers as she walks away. Chris waves to Max who waves back as she boards the bus with El. The boys watch as the bus takes off, Mike staring in shock and disbelief. "Now, can we play D&D?" "Su- "No" Lucas says, interrupting Chris who stares at him in annoyance. 

Chris sighs as he and the boys ride back, Lucas and Mike ahead of him and Will. "Well I can see why you called for me. It's like they're ignoring your existence entirely, not even caring." Will nods and looks away dejectedly. "Hey" Will looks at Chris, who smiles slightly. "I know I haven't been the best friend to you, mastering my powers, hanging out with Max, and other things and I know that stuff isn't really an excuse but I'd love to hang out with you sometime. Maybe play some D&D or do something else." Chris shrugs "I'm not picky so whatever you want to do, I'd be down for." Chris smiles and looks at Mike and Lucas, frowning slightly. "Certainly would be better then..well..whatever they're planning on doing." Will smiles and nods "Yeah..I'd like that a lot actually." Chris turns back and chuckles "Good to know." The two smile at each other and Will looks away as a blush rises to his cheeks. 

Mike had decided to try and understand why El had broken up with him. Problem with that being the fact that he was acting dumber then a door nail. While Will begins setting up his D&D campaign, Lucas and Mike pace around while Chris lazily leans next to Will, messing around with a miniature with his powers.  "I mean, what's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" "Nothing!" Lucas tells him and Chris rolls his eyes. "And long do you want to lie to him for?" "You know you're not being helpful Chris!" Mike shouts and Chris chuckles "Helpful? You're in this 'mess' because of your own actions!" Mike glares before sighing and flopping on the couch. "What did I do wrong? What could I have possibly done wrong?" "Do I have to go through this again?" Mike pulls out a bag of chips from the table and stuffs his face. "I just-I don't understand what I did to deserve this." "Nothing-You did nothing wrong and that's my whole point. You're the victim here!" 

Chris scoffs and rolls his eyes while glancing at Will who works diligently on the campaign. "Mike stop! Just stop! Relax, alright? Relax. Stop asking rational questions." Mike sighs "I know, I know, you're right." "Yeah," "Because women react on emotion and not logic." "Precisely" Lucas says with a shrug "It's a totally different species." Chris whips his head and stares at the two boys. "Jesus you two are hopeless." Chris stands up and walks over to Mike, taking the chips out of his hands. "Hey!" "You want to know why she dumped you? Cuz you lied to her! You lied and despite it being so painfully obvious, you still kept going!" "Chris!" "No, I'm right and you know it Lucas! It's nice that you want to help Mike as his friend but telling him he did nothing wrong is complete bullshit!" "Guys, it's ready." "Not now Will" Lucas says and Will groans "She broke up with Mike, what else is there to talk about?" "Exactly!" Chris nods and Lucas rolls his eyes "There's tons actually." "Yeah, we're trying to solve the great mystery of the female species." A second passes by and Mike belches, making Chris glare in disgust and Will cringe. " can smell the nacho cheese." Mike chuckles and Lucas rolls his eyes "I got that beat." "What?" Will eyes widen "Oh no.." "No, Lucas, no." "No.." "Lucas!!" Lucas lifts his leg and let's out a giant fart, stinking up the room and making Chris covers his nose "Disgusting.." Chris walks out of the basement and outside to get some fresh air.  

Posted another chapter and I regained my motivation to start posting again. Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next chapter.


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