The Battle of Starcourt

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"Scoops Troop, do you copy?"

"Scoops Troop, I repeat, do you copy?" Mike shouts into the walkie talkie "We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation." 

El sits to the side while Lucas practices with his slingshot. While Nancy pulls out a pistol from the last Russian guard. 

"Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us. He has disabled our car and trapped us in the mall. Repeat: Billy has disabled our car and trapped us in the mall." Will and Max stand beside Chris while all three of them watch Nancy. "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" "This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy tells her "And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer." "But that's what I'm for." Chris counters "But we can't rely on you to solve all our problems." Max tells him and Chris huffs "But- "She's right" Will interrupts "We rely on you and El a lot and look what happened to El." Chris sighs and Nancy turns towards the flipped car. "No chance that will drive, huh?" Johnathan shakes his head. "We don't need it to drive, we just need the ignition cable." 

"So...are you guys going to let me do this for you or..." Chris asks as the group struggles to roll the car. "No..we got this..besides you need" Nancy struggles and Chris huffs "I'm not a glass canon, okay? I can handle this car, just please, stop. Before you get yourself hurt." They keep pushing but it isn't enough as the car falls back. "Shit!" Lucas cries out. "Guys!" Chris huffs in irritation. "Wait, let me try." Mike huffs "El- "I can do it." 

Much to Chris' shock, the group obeys and allow El to try and flip the car. El struggles and her arm shakes as blood drips down her nose and energy seems to convulse around the car and yet....

Nothing happens as El throws out her arm in frustration. "Big sister." El turns to Chris who gives her a soft smile "Let me take it from here, okay? You've done enough already." El nods with a sullen look and Chris steps forward, outstretching his arm. A few moments later, and the car rumbles before flipping over. "See? Piece of cake." Chris tells the group and both Nancy and Johnathan walk to the hood. "How do you open this thing?" "There should be a latch, under the wheel." Chris watches the two with the others until Max's voice cuts in "What is she doing?" Chris turns, watching El with Max and Mike as El digs through the trash.

El finally finds what she was looking for: a can of New Coke. She places the can on the flat corner of the pillar, attempting to activate her powers like she had done long ago at the lab. She stares at the object with a hard glare, imaging it crush in on its self. "El?" Mike's voice cuts through her concentration and slight horror goes through El's eyes.

She had lost her powers

"Are you okay?" Mike asks but El doesn't respond "Big sister?" Chris asks but once again, El doesn't respond, lost in her own thoughts and only affording to spare them a glance.

Jonathan pops open the hood and Nancy joins him again. "Do you see it?" "I don't know it- it should be right here." Will's hand slowly reaches to the back of his neck, his eyes widened with fear. A loud rumble fills the air and Max looks up towards the roof, noticing something moving up above. The rumbling being created by footsteps of the Mind Flayer.

It had finally arrived

"Chris.." Chris turns and looks at Max before looking towards the roof in shock. Mike looks up as well as the glass starts to crack under the pressure of the monster. Johnathan yanks out the ignition cable. "Got it" "Nancy!" Mike yells and the two turn towards Mike, looking at the roof. The creature snarls and El stares at it in shock before being pulled away by Mike as they are quickly followed by Max and Chris. Just then, the glass shatters and the monster descends, announcing its presence with a loud roar.

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