The Reunion

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Chris and Max sat next to each other, not a sound echoed from the house as the group waits inside the house as Joyce,Jonathan, Mike, and Hopper attempt to find Will inside the darkness that had taken control of his body. Max stares out of one of the windows in the Byers' house before feeling a tap on her leg. Max turns and sees Chris staring at her with a small smile on his face as he holds up a small notecard 'Hi =)' Max's smile widens and Chris widens as well. Noticing the pile of notecards and a pen, Max takes the pen and begins writing on one of the notecards 'Hi :)' Chris quickly grabs another card 'Crazy day huh?' Max shakes her head before writing 'More like a crazy week?' Chris nods 'Yeah, same here if I'm honest' Max giggles 'You know we can talk right?' Chris nods with a smile 'Yeah, but this is more fun' Max giggles again and Chris silently chuckles before writing again 'Besides, you don't seem to mind' Max waves an eyebrow quickly grabbing a card 'That's presumptuous of you' Chris' eyes widen 'I'm sorry :( we can stop if you want?' Max smiles softly 'Who said you were wrong though?' The two stare at each other, peaceful smiles adorning their lips as they enjoy the silence together.

Suddenly, Hopper burst through the back door of the house along with Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike. Chris and Max quickly stand up and joins the others in the kitchen. "What happened?" Dustin asks and Hopper sighs as he pulls out a pen. "I think Will is talking to us, he's just not using words." Hopper writes down several symbols before writing letters underneath the symbols. "What's that?" Steve asks and the kids quickly respond "Morse Code" Hopper finishes writing revealing the word "Here.." Joyce turns to Jonathan with a hopeful smile. "Will's still in there..he's still talking to us."

Jonathan, Joyce, and Mike begin to retell memories to Will while Hopper watches Will's hand tapping the code back to the others inside the house who begin to translate. "Dash, dot, dash, dot." Lucas says and Dustin nods as he writes it down "Got it" "C" Max finds the symbol and turns to Nancy who writes it down. 

"L" Lucas says

"O" Chris says

The two begin going back and forth with Lucas going first followed up by Chris







The entire group gather around Nancy as they all stare at the message. "Close Gate" they all read out when suddenly the phone rings out. Over in the shed, the monster inside of Will hears the noise and soullessly stares out of the shed, toward the noise. "Shit, shit!!" Dustin picks up the phone and slams it down and the phone goes silent, only for it to start ringing again. Chris jumps up and rips it out of the wall, turning it to dust in his hand. "Do you think he heard that?" Max asks "It's just a phone, that could be anywhere right?" Suddenly, the sounds of monsters echoes through the forest. "It knows we're here.." James says and Dustin nods "That's not good.." Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike enter with Will's unconscious body. "Everyone, get away from the windows, now!" James pulls out a pistol and Chris stares at him in surprise "When did you get that?" "I've been carrying this for awhile now." Chris stares at James in surprise before shaking his head. Everyone gathers in the living room and Hopper looks at Jonathan "Can you use this?" Hopper asks as he holds out a shotgun "What?" "Can you use this?!" "I can" Nancy says and Hopper tosses the shotgun over to her. Hopper, Nancy, Steve, and James stand in the front with their weapons at the ready. Chris stands in front of the rest of the group, Lucas stands behind him with his wrist rocket and Mike stands next to Lucas with a lamp. The entire group stares outside as monsters shriek and growl outside of the house, making everyone tense. The noises get louder and louder, moving around the perimeter of the house. "What are they doing?" Nancy asks but no one has an answer. The growls and shrieks start to die down until it is completely silent. Suddenly, one of the monsters limply slam through the window and everyone turns in fear toward the creature as Hopper cautiously gets closer to it. "Holy shit.." Dustin mutters and Max stares at the creature "Is it dead?" Hopper kicks the creature which simply rolls over, dead, despite having no visible injuries. The door to the house loudly creaks and everyone turns toward the door as the lock flips up, unlocking it. The group aims their weapons at the door as the second lock, unlocks itself before the door slowly opens. 

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