Summer Fun

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A young Chris stands in a completely white room. His hair shaven to his scalp and his only clothes being a simple hospital gown. The boy looks around before a voice echoes around him. "Hello Twelve.." A man with a white button up shirt and white pants stood before him but his face was blocked by a weird red smoke that seemed to never leave his face. "Are you ready?" 

Twelve backs away from the man, not enjoying the dark presence that the man gave off. "Where are you going silly?" The man suddenly lunges forward grasping Chris by the neck and lifting him into the air. "We've only just begun." The man throws Chris back but Chris' body never reaches the ground. "You're such a coward Twelve, it disgusts me." Chris slowly lifts into the air, Chris' eyes widening as he attempts to struggle out of the telekinetic hold the man had him in.

The man's body suddenly turns into slime, collapsing into itself before reforming into a person again. This time, the person was Dr. Martin Brenner. "Twelve.." Chris' eyes harden with rage as he glares at the doctor. "Hmm? Not a person you want to see? Then perhaps," Brenner turns into slime much like the other man did and the slime reforms into another person, but this time Chris' eyes widen in fear and sadness.

Standing before him, was Terra, Number Thirteen. One of the many people was un able to save. "You could of saved me.." Terra walks closer to Chris "You could have killed those dogs in an instant." Half of Terra tears itself away before forming into Bob "But you know why you didn't, don't you?" Half of Bob splits into Brenner and Terra splits again to form the old man who had attacked him on Halloween. "You didn't do anything because you're a coward. You're a weak and pathetic little boy who's only good to his "friends" because he has super powers!

Chris falls to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes and Terra, Bob, Brenner, and the old man mold back into the man. The man grabs Chris chin, forcing the boy to look up at the man. Despite not being able to see a mouth on the smoke like head of the man, Chris could feel the smirk on the man's lips. "Pathetic, how could y- Chris's hand suddenly latches onto the man's wrist, tightly holding on as the man tried to pull away. The man's arm goes a dark shade of grey before exploding in an explosion of dust and blood. 

A pained gasp leaves the man's mouth but the arm quickly regenerates and he extends his arm, violently lifting Chris into the air. Chris struggles against the telekinetic hold, screaming in rage at the man. The scream briefly stuns the man and Chris falls to the floor. Chris quickly lands before dashing at the man, slamming his right hand into the man's chest and wrapping his left hand around the man's exposed neck. A pained gasp exits the man as his entire body turns grey before exploding into a shower of dust and blood. 

Suddenly, the white room shatters like glass and Chris begins to fall, screaming as the empty abyss watches his fall.

Chris wakes up with a start, gasping loudly and harshly exhaling. Chris looks around him in a panic and finds himself in his room. 

The nightmare was over

For now

Chris sighs as he waits by the entrance to the mall. "Where are these guys? I thought we agreed to 6:30?" Suddenly a finger taps Chris on the shoulder from behind and Chris whirls around to see Max. "Jesus scared me." Max smiles "Sorry" Max smiles before kissing Chris on the lips, the boy melting into the kiss, his stress from the nightmare leaving his body. "You alright? You seem tense." Max pulls away and Chris nods, not looking Max in the eyes "Just a nightmare.."  Max nods "Well if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." Chris smiles and the two hug, enjoying the peace. 

"Chris! Max!" The two pull away and look to see Lucas and Will walking up to them. "Hey guys!" Max says with a large smile and Chris gives a small wave with a smile on his face. Chris eyes scan past the two of them with a confused look on his face. "Where's Mike? We were suppose to all meet here like right now." Lucas sighs and rolls his eyes "Dude, where do you think he is?" Chris huffs and nods "Yeah, yeah I know." Ever since summer started, Mike and Chris' 'sister' Eleven, were always off spending every day with each other. Originally, Chris and Eleven would spend the afternoon together training their powers but then one day, she just stopped, saying she was becoming "too busy" to practice. Chris was disappointed but didn't put up a fight, practicing on his own. Lucas then walks over to Chris "Want to make a bet on how long it will take for him to get here?" Chris smirks "You're on" 

Mike finally arrives and the two betting boys huff "You're late" Lucas says "Took you long enough!" Chris says and Mike sighs "Sorry!" "We're going to miss the opening!" Will says and Mike shakes his head "Yeah if you keep whining about it! Let's go!" "If you keep whining about it. Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh." "Can you just shut up man?" Mike tells Lucas as the group enters the mall. "Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas puckers his lips and Mike rolls his eyes "Oh yeah, real mature Lucas." "'Oh El, I wish we could make out forever and never hang out with any of our friends!'" Max rolls her eyes "Lucas.." Will and Chris chuckle "Will and Chris think it's funny." "Because it is" the two boys say and Mike huffs "Yes, it's very funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." "Oi! I spend romantic time with my girlfriend!" Chris wraps his hand around Max and kisses her cheek making the girl giggle. 

The group quickly pass through the people on the escalator muttering apologies as they shove past people. Mike shoves past a teen who glares "Hey! Watch it!!" "Yeah, watch it nerds!" Erica smirks at the group while holding an ice cream as she and her friends sit with each other at a bench. "Isn't past your bed time?" Lucas fires at his younger sister and Erica fires right back "Isn't time you died?" 



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas blows a raspberry at his younger sister making Max and Chris roll their eyes before pushing the teen along. "Now that was mature.." Max says sarcastically as the group move into a store named: Scoops Ahoy. 

Mike walks up to the counter and starts to rapidly tap the bell much to the girl at the counter. "Hey, dingus, your children are here!" The back window slides open and Steve sighs "Again? Seriously?!" The group stares at Steve and Mike taps the bell once more before Steve quickly rushes them through the back.

Steve opens another door and pushes them through "Come on, come on!" Chris walks out last and Steve turns to the teens who are quickly moving down the hall "I swear if anyone hears about this-- They interrupt him before he can finish his threat "We're dead!" They all chime in and before Steve can leave Chris turns to Steve "Say hi to Robin for me!" Steve smiles and nods "Now get out go, go!"

Mike opens the back door and looks around "All clear" Mike fully opens the door and the group move into the theater. The group squeezes past groups of kids with Max, Chris and Lucas sitting together while Will and Mike sit next to each other. "See Lucas? We made it." Lucas rolls his eyes "We missed the previews.." "Still made it, Fart face." Chris and Max chuckle while Lucas rolls his eyes while scoffing. Will opens his bag before giving Chris some movie snacks. "Thanks Will" Chris gives Will a smile and Will smiles back, the dark of the theater hiding the slight blush that dusted Will's cheeks. Chris hands Lucas his candy before handing a bag of skittles to Max. "Here" Max smiles "Oh my favorite, thanks." Chris smiles "No problem" The movie then starts as a young woman walks toward a wall but before anything else happens, the film stutters out and the entire screen goes black. 

A few moments later, the screen flickers back on and the film continues much to everyone's enjoyment. 

But what they didn't know

Was that evil had re-entered their small little town.



Hope you all enjoy and I'll see you all in the next one

PS: This was suppose to published on Stranger Things Day but I ran a bit over time


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