Welcome to H̶a̶w̶k̶i̶n̶s̶(Hell)

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Welcome to Hawkins! Enjoy your stay!

Chris stared out the window of his father's car as they had finally entered the town that would become their new home. 

"Taking in the view?" Chris turns his head toward his father, James, who gives him a small smile while keeping an eye on the road ahead of them. 

Chris nods "Yeah, it is a lot a different from the city." James chuckles "That's true..never imagined we would be moving to such a different life style." 

Chris hums and returns his attention toward the outside again as he pulled out his walkman and headphones, placing the headphones over his ears and letting out a sigh of content as Micheal Jackson's Billie Jean echoes in his ears. 

James looked over at his son, noticing the headphones covering his ears and sighed. He hadn't been the greatest father ever since the incident. James and Silva had found Chris when he was small. The boy didn't know his own age, no idea of his name, and it was clear as day that he was mistreated and hurt. His body felt weak and blood stained what appeared to be a hospital gown. When the two of them took the boy to the local hospital, he was found to have had no records and so the two decided to take the boy as their own, and raise him.

James sighed as he took a long drag from his cigarette. Of course now it was just him and Chris. 

Silva had died 

And neither James nor Chris were in the right frame of mind to talk about it and they weren't ready to move on from it. 

But both had agreed that it would be best to move somewhere else, somewhere that did not carry the emotional burden that Tennessee held for them. Indiana, specifically Hawkins, seemed exactly like the quiet town that the father and son needed. 

The two finally arrived to where their new house was located out and noticed the U-Haul workers moving the furniture and decorations that James had ordered/requested to be placed in the house. Chris gets out of the car and walks to the trunk of the car, opening it and taking out his own suitcase before removing James'. "Oh you didn't- Chris smiles and James smiles back "But thank you anyway" the two awkwardly stare at each other, not knowing what to do before Chris turned his attention back on the house. It was a simple house, nothing to fancy but not run-down either. A single floor building was all they needed really. Two bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 kitchen, and 1 living room. Chris felt a smile tug on his lips as Led Zeppelin's Kashmir entered his ears. 

The workers finished quickly and James, as the generous soul that he was, payed them more than they were owed. Chris moved past them, claiming to his father that he would set up his room and that if he needed him, to shout. James nods before turning his attention back outside. "Can you feel it Silva?" James takes a drag from his cigarette before exhaling the smoke as he looks back up towards Chris' room. "I think we're really going to like it here." 

Chris stares at his room. There wasn't much in there, no true personality to it, but he liked it. Ever since the incident Chris did not actively seek friendship and preferred to seclude himself. He stared out his window and took a moment to glance at his father. Chris knew James was a good man, but ever since Silva had died Chris had distanced himself, blaming himself and believing that James had resented him. Though it wasn't the only thing, filling his mind. This town, it held bad memories for him, memories that his brain did not want to show, but we could feel a sense of internal dredge when he and his father entered the town. 

"Hey" Chris wipes around and notices James standing at the door frame. "Why don't," James hands him $20 with a smile "You go to the local arcade and make some friends. It's only a few streets away and you still have your skateboard, right?" Chris nods "But what about you?" James chuckles "I'll be fine, just make sure you're back by nine and we'll have dinner together alright? Oh and remember to wear your gloves." Chris looks at the clock on the wall. It read 5:30 so Chris nods, grabs his skateboard and heads out of the house, his new money still in his pocket. 

The arcade was a little further then he remembered but then again, when Chris first saw it, he was in a car. He comes to a stop at the entrance and places it in a secure area, not trusting any one around him. 

He walks inside and slightly gags at the smell that invaded his nose. He looked around and noticed most of the kids were in their own groups, and decided to not interrupt, instead heading toward a solo game. 

Chris found himself a great Pac-man player, so much so that a few of the kids had started to watch him. Eventually, Blinky and Pinky had cornered him and consumed his final life. A groan of disappoint left both his own mouth but the mouths of all of his spectators and Chris decided to move on to another game. 

Chris eventually decided to try out Dig Dug. It was one of the only single player games left that he hadn't tried and he decided that he'd test the game out. 

Except, he wasn't the only one who wanted to play the game. He found this out as the two both knocked into each other, resulting in the two falling to the ground. Chris quickly stood up and offered a hand toward the stranger.

 Chris grasped the stranger's hand and pulled them up, his gloved hand firmly grasping the stranger's hand. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I- The stranger, which Chris realized was a girl, started to apologize but Chris held his hands up. 

"No worries, I'm in the same boat on that, I really want to play that game, Dig Dug, that I lost focus." The two chuckle "I'm Chris, and you?" "Maxine but no one calls me that, call me Max." Chris smiles, "Well then Max, it was great to meet you." Max nods with a small smile "It was nice to meet you as well. Here, you can play it, I probably don't have enough coins to play it." "Well then, you're in luck," Chris holds out his remaining coins. "I think I have enough for us to both play." Max's smile widens and Chris watches his new friend play. 

"Holy shit...750,000 points...how?!" Chris asks with a shocked look as a laugh of disbelief echoes out of his mouth. Max giggles and motioned toward the machine. "You want to try?" Chris chuckles and notices the clock. "Oh, uh..I'm sorry but my dad said I had to be home by nine." Max turns her head and nods seeing it was already 8:40 "Alright, well it was nice meeting you Chris. Glad I made one friend in this town." Chris nods "Yeah..me as well." Chris grabs his skateboard and skates off, smiling as he heads home.

Chris arrives home at exactly 9:00 pm and he opens the door to notice James setting up the kitchen table. "Well, hello there." James says with a smile and Chris waves placing his skateboard up against the wall, and washing his hands. "So?" James says as he sits at the table "You make any friends?" Chris lets out a small smile "Yeah, I think I did." James smiles at Chris' happiness and the two begin to eat in silence.

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