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I was worried since Amelia phoned me recently to tell me that she was doing fine and that I should leave her alone and stay out of her life. I don't know if I should be worried or not because before she was fine maybe she just stopped caring about me. I was at the apartment as I closed the door and walked as I saw Matt sitting on the couch and smoking a cigarette. 

"Hey Matt...have you seen Steven anywhere?" I ask sitting on the couch with him

"Nope, he said he was going shopping getting some stuff we need." Matt says inhaling the smoke

"I saw Amelia today. She's alive." I say looking dead silent

"What! Are you serious? She's all this time the cops were looking at nothing...where is she now? Matt asks concerned to face me

"She's...moved on and she has a husband now she lost her memory and it's a long story...but she remembers now." I say frowning

"But...something had been suspicious, she has been off lately...she phoned me then she just told me to stay away from her...I don't know really that's something she wouldn't say at all. I know her very well." I say sighing putting my hands on my face

I just hope she's okay because the way she's acting is not normal I don't know what her relationship is with her husband I mean if it's good or maybe she's in danger or something. If something happens to her, I just cannot bare that feeling again I lost her once and I don't wanna lose her again.

I hear a loud bang on the door as we both looked at each other and opened the door. We were both terrified and scared because we saw Steven beaten up and looked like he got badly injured. We both dragged him in the apartment closing the door as we get the medic, we just heard him screaming in pain we saw his tooth was pulled out like ripped out with a pliers or something. His whole face was covered in blood beaten up he couldn't even walk. Steven tried to speak but we refused to let him speak since he looked so bad.

"Who did this to you!?" I ask looking at him trembling

"This..gguy...named...I don't know...he beat the shit outta me...he was talking about...Amelia he knew something about her...I'm not sure what he wanted...he just asked for information..." Steven says coughing and trying to speak but his voice got weaker and weaker

" this guy he knew about Amelia? You got a good look at the guy??" I ask giving him water

"He...was with his bodyguard...he had a shady beard lighter complexion...wore a thick black leather jacket...he had a deep voice and...took me to this warehouse..." he says coughing up blood

"So- I got cut off

"That's enough Chris. Leave him alone let him rest first, we can give the questions later but now... we just need him to rest please he looks badly injured." Matt says tapping on my shoulder

"Okay." I say getting up sniffling

What the fuck is going on right now? Who's this guy? Who beat up Steven this is so fucking messed up...Whoever did this I'm going to get them for sure and who knew Amelia? I hope she's okay I don't want anything to happen to her. I need to find her address and I need to do it fast. I sat on the couch it's around 2:00pm in the middle of the night as I tap my leg on the floor, I do it because when I get nervous or when I get scared for some reasons. I sat on the couch just thinking what the hell I'm I going to do that I need to do something. No, this is not right I should do something cannot just be sitting here and doing absolutely nothing.

I get up and get dressed wearing a black hoodie and jeans as I left the door closing it and taking my car. I switched on my car engine and started driving and found some friends that knew her address. When I got there, I stopped the car and looked to see a big house with gates and all looked very fancy. It looked like it had security and bodyguards but seems to me they probably off duty I guess. I stop my car ringing the door bell waiting for someone to answer I hope this is the right address and this isn't some kind of joke or someone else's house. I rang it again, nobody answered I maybe thought nobody's home as I was about to leave when the gate buzzed. Must have been the gate opened as I walked through leading me to the front door I rang it as someone opened the door. It was Amelia.

The Darker Side Of Fantasy: Chapter IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat