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My name is Tony Garvis and I work as a construction worker in Ohio people don't know me that well or that's what seems to be. I have been working there for about 7 years now and things have been going terrible my job sucks and people are full of shit nowadays.

Until I meet Amelia this girl changed my life when I first meet her she was different very kind sweet and loyal and had a good heart. I didn't know what to do since I meet her she has just brought my life just complete joy.

The night we meet was at a coffee place it was past midnight people were packing and getting ready to leave luckily that store stays open 24/7 so there was nothing to worry about. The moment I saw Amelia she was arguing with some guy must have been her brother he was tall a bit lighter completion and wore a black jeans with a white shirt.

I didn't want to just go into their conversation so I sat at a table and waited for the waitress to come. Amelia walked passed me as we both made eye contact I looked different compared to now.

I never had a beard I looked more handsome and good looking I had to lie to her saying I have a decent job. After we spoke and had contact, we both decided to see each other she told me she had problems with her brother that her brother is acting all crazing and stuff. I was always there to support her.

We had been together for about 4 years until she ended things she just did like that she left me. Amelia didn't cheat on me she just left me told me that I should find someone else so that's what I've been told I guess.

I was so pissed off I didn't want to let go or ruin 4 years of our relationship I knew something had to be done. I tried in every way possible to get her back no matter what the consequences may have been for me it was worth it all the way.

I stalked her from day to day watching her making sure she didn't find anyone else yes, I had recently heard that her brother had passed away by committing suicide right in front of her. It must have been devistating for her to see such a thing. I gave her time to think about it and gave her space left her alone for a while but that didn't end well.

I grew more and more obsessed with her not wanting to throw away 4 years of us I thought we still had a chance. Until she left the country without saying even a word to me she told her parents but didn't even care to inform me, message me or even say goodbye.

That made me mad completely making me lose my mind as I just couldn't believe this what I was seeing Amelia trying to leave me leave the country the only girl I've ever loved.

My chances with Amelia had been zero nothing had been left she was gone my dear Amelia was gone just like that out of the country on with her new life. I told myself to keep moving forward to just forget but this obsession grew worse it changed me into something I didn't want to become.

I had no other choice just to leave her alone it has been now 2 years has passed since I haven't messaged her she blocked my number from everywhere social media, everything I just knew something was going on.

I live in a small cabin near the woods now since I've been kicked out of my apartment and I got fired from my job for not doing what I was supposed to do. Now I have nothing everything is gone my life had completely changed into the worst.

I got up today with a big smile on my face hoping that something good can happen. All I wanted to do was to see my beautiful Amelia that was all I needed. If I called her on phone she wouldn't pick up so I decided to call her from an unknown number.

I dialled the number and waited patiently. The phone was immediately picked up and spoke over the phone.

"Hello?" Amelia's voice said over the phone

The Darker Side Of Fantasy: Chapter IWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt