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I just don't know how this came to be right now our relationships has completely went wrong it sunk and I don't know if it will ever change. I got into my car after I had a heated argument with Chris I do understand he had problems again and again but this lying has to stop. It's all that ever happens with us there is maybe a chance where we don't argue but most of our memories are arguments. Like we can never come to an agreement on anything it's always a problem and that's so unhealthy for the both of us.

I sit in my car just overthinking everything that just happened now hoping it is just a terrible dream and that I'd wake up tomorrow feeling happy and everything's back to normal. I put my hands on my head as I just start sobbing and tears start to fall from my cheek just hoping that none of this is real. Chris is never like an abusive person he has never done anything harmful towards me, his not that type of guy the only problem he has is he doesn't tell the truth when he must.

Let go of my hand Chris!

No okay...I won't because we can work things out

Work this out! There's no way we can work it out! All we ever do is argue and fight there's nothing left okay?!

What I said was completely true and nothing but the truth I had to make him realize that our relationship isn't healthy it isn't good at all. I just started crying in my car full of upset and anger and nothing else. I didn't know what to do everything felt so like I didn't want it to be real but it was all of the arguing we had been real.

I got into my car as I just drove away somewhere where I just wanted to get my mind off of things. I said that I'd never leave Chris alone I'll never abandoned him things just has been too much for me to handle by myself.

As I was driving I played some music to clear my mind and then I turned off the radio as I headed across the bridge looking to see the light turn green. There weren't many cars on the road lately, it had just been very dark. The light turned green as I drove but I wasn't paying attention to the car but a truck driver had drove to fast as he didn't even hoot or anything. He just drove so fast that it knocks my car.

When I looked before he could it me, that person was probably a drunk driver since he was driving with beer in his hand as the car knocked into me. All the glass shattered all over and there was lots of fire and smoke the car had knocked me so that the pole went loose and went on my car.

A big bang went on and all I could see was blurred things my vision was so dark and blurry and my ears was like a buzzing sound. I tried to move but I couldn't. My leg was stuck from the front part of the car and if I tried to move it, it would just hurt.

The worst part was the oil of the car was leaking and that could have set a big fire and I don't want that too happen so I try my best to make it out of my car and I did. I lost a lot of blood as I crawled out of the car.

Looking for help, I just tried my best to move but I really could not do that. I heard sirens going off as I just made it near the other side of the river since it was near the highway, I was so badly injured that my body couldn't move it was so painful.

Until I saw this car that I got into this person tried to help me I tried to wave and give a signal till I completely blacked out and closed my eyes. I was completely blacked out and couldn't remember anything that had happened. I lost a lot of blood and that was very bad.

The next thing I know when I wake up, is that I'm in someone's house as I just tried to look at my surroundings. My head felt like a complete disaster it just was paining so badly that I couldn't take it.

There were lots of medication on the table as well as food and water next to me as I get up from the couch. I couldn't remember anything at all like nothing that I remember the car crash I don't remember anything before that.

The Darker Side Of Fantasy: Chapter IWhere stories live. Discover now