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Before I had left the house, the other night I thought to myself what am I going to do now since that Chris and I had an argument it was never like this we had never argued it's the first time it's happening. It was hard making this decision on my own I'm not leaving him of course, I just need time alone to think about the situation because this is a serious matter. He was a mafia and killed people innocent people god, what more is he hiding?

I got up the next morning very early around about 4:00am in the morning which was extremely early. I didn't want to pack in the night because I was exhausted and tired so I packed now.

I made sure I packed all my clothes and important things everything else I decided to leave. Leaving Chris might be one of the worse decisions I will be making but I have to do this it's no other choice killing people and lying isn't some kind of joke it's a serious topic.

Of course, when I packed I felt nothing but emptiness and pain inside with guilty that I'll probably leave the one person who cares about me the most but he lied to me and kept it a secret and murdered people. His not a bad person that's something that I know but like lying isn't something I take easily I begin to loose trust in people who do that. I decided to wear a black outfit a black jumpsuit pants, some white and blue takkies and a black crop top.

My plan was to go to my friend's house Sophie where I could stay at her apartment for however long. I packed my stuff and it's now 8:00 in the morning as I get the last thing upstairs as I head down. I see Chris looking at the luggages who knows what he could be thinking. He just stared at them for a while until he looked at me. I could see all the hurt in his eyes just knowing what is on his mind. I do realize that I'm hurting him by doing this but there's no choice. I'm not leaving him or anything it's just personal space and time I need to process things, we could have worked it out, but he wouldn't be understanding in any way.

"What's this? Are you leaving or something?" he says sniffling as he speaks

"Yes...I'm leaving to my friends for a few days just to process things I need time." I say mumbling my words

" you're leaving me I see...I guess you don't want me in your life anymore huh?" he says with a trembled look on his face

"No...that's not what I mean okay? Please understand you need to just listen." I say choking on my words

"Really? Why don't we work things out? You know that I love you and you do to but we can talk this out there's really no need for this okay?" he says shrieked

"Fine whatever I won't listen to you I'm leaving no matter what if you have a problem, too bad I don't care." I say looking away

I head downstairs walking past him seeing my cab as I grabbed my things and headed out the door not looking back. Once I gotten all of my things, I packed it in the back trunk of the cab as I got into the car as the driver starts the engine. I didn't look back I kept my eyes forward not bothering to look back not that I don't want to or anything. I started crying immediately as I got into the car just wishing all of this was dream and none of this was real.


"What are you still doing here? It's been 5 months already! He must be missing you to death probably!" Sophie says shouting at me

"Relax nothing is going to to happen okay? Where is that form you got this morning in the mail? It said something about a vacation somewhere..." I sigh getting the paper from the desk

"You're leaving?! You know that it's out of the country right? It's not even should be considered even a vacation holiday. You're leaving the country and you wouldn't even be bothered to inform Chris?" she says panicking

The Darker Side Of Fantasy: Chapter IWhere stories live. Discover now