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"So you're going to speak or what?" I spat

"Who the hell are you? What do you want from me? If you want money take it there's my wallet please I have done nothing wrong please." he whimpers looking scared

"I don't want your fucking money god damnit! Just tell me do you know this guy?" I say pointing at the picture with Chris on it

"Yes...yes his my friend Chris I know him very well why?" he said stuttering

"That's none of your business okay? I ask the questions and you answer them! And nothing else if you refuse or will not cooperate then, there would be trouble big trouble." I say slamming the desk in anger

"Fuck you! I'm not telling you shit! His my friend so I won't let you target him whoever you are then you can go hell forever I care!" Steven spats on my face

I just wipe it off of my face making my bodyguard wanting to attack as I put my hand to make him stop. I just laughed like a maniac just looking his pathetic little face, he think I wouldn't get information out of him of course I will doing anything to just do that. I looked at him with a evil smirk on my face as I remove my jacket and cover my hand in bandage.

I then punched him in the face as his nose started bleeding and the blood started dripping down his face. Then I punched him in the face again coughing up blood more and more again he looked already beaten up badly.

"Listen, if he doesn't start talking just repeat the same thing and if it gets worse just tell me I will instruct you what to do further again." I say to my bodyguard as he nods his head

I just watched as he gotten beaten up by my bodyguard as I just watched with a smile on my face as he just couldn't take it anymore. It has been more than half and hour and he still hasn't answered any of my questions and I was getting impatient very quickly. I got up from my seat as I just slammed my fist on the chair and got up to go deal with him.

"Sir, he isn't speaking for the past half and hour now. What do you suggest we do?" the bodyguard asks looking at me

"We're going to torture him badly so what I suggest we do is...we just make him talk I just know how to do it exactly. Just can you please get me the tools in the van I have some things I wanna show this guy so he can fucking understand when I tell him, he should talk." I say looking at my bodyguard and looking back at Steven

"Yes sir I'll get right on it." the bodyguard nods as he walks away

I started torturing him for a couple of minutes now. I thought to make things fun and more better, why not go to a bit extreme? So I asked him to tell me information he just would do that but I asked him one by one each question separately. The first question was no and my response to that was stabbing him in his hand, the knife went in through his hand. Making him scream out in pain as blood just started pouring. So, the second time he answered no answer again as usual, pulled his mouth open and pulled his tooth out with a bunch of pliers making him scream.

I just heard his pain in his voice telling me to stop but I wouldn't unless he told me information. Yes, I was commited to find out every single detail about Chris and his whereabouts I could have asked Amelia, but she doesn't talk to me anymore and she wouldn't tell me the truth anyway so what would be the point? Besides, I thought this would be easier a threat to Chris and yes I want him to notice me to be the center of attention. I wanted him to notice me that I'm the bad one so I can get rid of him.

I know his weaknesses his just like his father not that I knew about him of course, but he has some of his traits arrogant, stubborn, selfish, impatient and greedy. I always hated people who are like that so fucking not great. People had betrayed me in my life and that's something that I hated always being betrayed and feeling left out. Everyone says it's going to get better but that's what people always say.

I stopped beating him up and just looked at him and thought to myself what a fool I must be to do this. I'm obsessed with someone that hates me now and that's bad because she's always what I wanted and nothing will come between the two of us not even Chris. I stayed the night with him not letting him go and kept him as my prisoner only until next early morning I set him free. He gave me information which was good and that's what I needed but was that all? Did I have to go through all of that just to ask him that?


I took a cold shower as I stepped out of the bathroom to get my towel. All I could think about right now was Amelia what I did and what I cannot change. It's anyway for her own good I will do anything and everything for her to be mine.

I phoned the girl that I was working with and told her we had to schedule a plan together work on something. She's a bit of a fucking asshole as I said before but if she wants something she will do everything to get it. 

The Darker Side Of Fantasy: Chapter IWhere stories live. Discover now