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I am so happy that Chris feeling the same way he understands me the way nobody ever did and I knew that my brother would be happy that I founded someone who treats me much better. I have never been happier than now in my life everything I did was for my own good. Maybe leaving and starting a new life wasn't so bad after all, I can't tell Chris about Tony because he will lose it completely because the thing that I know is that his overprotective over me sometimes. Time has gone by very fast now and it's now been 3 months now that we've been dating and it's going quite good.

We both had gone to this club called 'Spotlight Club' which was very famous and had lots of people in there. When we had gotten out of the car Chris was behind me keeping his hand wrapped around my waist as we both had to pass the noisy cloud. It was extremely loud lots of people were shouting as we had gone to this party because Chris wanted me to introduce me to his friends.

"I want you to meet my friends Amelia." Chris says holding my hand as we walk through the crowd

"That would be nice." I say smiling at him

We finally made it through the crowd as we headed to see the VIP area in the other room as we both went in as he kept holding my hand not wanting to let it go.

"I'm going to the bathroom quickly you'll be safe here my friends will watch you okay?" he says looking at me smiling

"Okay don't be too long." I say as he lets go of his arm around my waist

Chris had gone to the bathroom and I was just waiting for him as I just sat down with complete boredom. I had made friends with one of the guys Matt who is Chris's best friends since he told me so. Some other guys Todd, Samuel, Ethan and Joe.

Chris told me that out of all his friends, he only trusts one of them with his life and that is Matt he is friends with his other guys but not as close as the two of them. A part of me was just curious to know more about Chris how he was his past life and so on, I know he told me everything and I do not think he would lie to me but still he never told me about his past life how it was. I went to go see Matt sitting on the couch as I approach him looking to find Chris to see if his still in the bathroom.

"Hey, Matt you know who I am right?" I say looking at him

"Oh are Chris's girlfriend Amelia am I not right? Nice to meet you." he says giving his hand to shake as he smiles

"Nice to meet you to Matt..." I say smiling shaking his hand

"So..Chris must have told me a lot about you." he says

"Yeah that's right." I say slightly smiling at him

"You know he used to be in a mafi- he gets cut off as Chris interrupts him

"What he was going to say that I used to be very well known for my business I used to do and stuff like that." Chris says looking at Matt with a serious look

Something must have been up Matt was going to tell me something but then Chris interrupted him I wonder why though. I just hope he isn't hiding anything from me. Which it makes me think again but I do trust him if he was in a mafia then I don't know.

I need to know if his telling me the truth otherwise I don't think I'll take it well. I do trust Chris it's just that there is so many things that I don't know about him like there is a part where I cannot see, where I cannot go into and it does hurt knowing that he might be lying to me. I do understand that I never told him about Tony but I will eventually.

If he finds out he will lose his mind I just know it all I wanna do is protect him just like he wants to do with me. There's no wrong in doing so.

We were talking all of us and his friends until pat midnight we were having a couple of drinks at the bar as we just got to know each other better. For some reason Sophie was also at the bar knowing that she was friends with one of the guys named Ethan. We just had a great night as we decided to head home.

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