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Selene's pov

What are you talking about? Draven yelled at the woman. She shook with fear as he zeroed in on her.

Do you have any idea what she is alpha! "If I knew I wouldn't have brought you here now would I? ". Draven retorted.
You really should get rid of her, she's going to bring you nothing but pain and misery.

Draven clenched his fists. Get the hell out of here before I get rid off you. He snarled. The woman shot me a glare before she scurried off.

The tension hung thick in the air after the woman left. Draven paced the room, pinching the brige of his nose. He seemed to be in deep thought. What was he thinking about? Contemplating weather or not get rid of me?

Do you believe her? I asked. I needed to know what he thought about this craziness.

He halted, gazing into my eyes. "No I don't".
What if the woman was right about me? I pushed.
"It doesn't matter what she thinks, I'm not going to kill you if that's what you think". The way he said it sounded promising but I couldn't trust him.

Even if it does happen? I pressed further.
Now is not the time for this discussion, you're burning up. He spoke placing his cold hand on my arm.
I'm going to draw you another bath.
He said as he hurriedly took off into the direction of the bathroom.

A loud scream tore through my throat as I felt an excruciating pain in my lower abdoman. Draven stormed out of the bathroom, rushing to my aid.
He settled down beside me, gently pulling me into his arms, attempting to comfort me. "It's going to be okay" he said in a soft tone as he began stroking my hair.

The pain intensified, another scream tore from my throat. Draven swiftly moved away from me as he heard the sound of my bones started to pop and crack.
white fur sprouted from every part of my body, my nails lengthed into long sharp claws.

I stood on all four's staring deeply into his eyes. "Mate" a voice shouted in my head. "Oh no this can't be happening, not again. I need to get out of here, away from him".

Draven's pov

Alpha? Adrian spoke over the mindlink. Yes Adrian? I answered. As I was busy filling out some paperwork in my office.

It's Selene. He stammered. What about her? I questioned.
I have a feeling something isn't quite right with her. She hasn't stepped out of her room in almost two days although I can still sense she's in there but..... He halted, his breathing was labored.

But what? I snarled. I can smell the scent of blood coming from her room and also another scent. Alpha I think you should get here, she refuses to let Cole or I in.

Fine, I'll be there in a second. I said cutting the link. This human has been nothing but trouble since she stepped into my life. Since I've marked her the bond between us has strengthened although she isn't my destined mate but a chosen mate.
I can't seem to think straight or do anything for that matter, my mind is constantly on her wondering what would our life's be like a few years from now.

Will she accept me as I am? Or would she hate me for the rest of our lives together? I have no idea what's happening to me but one thing I know for certain is that I can't stay away from her, her scent, her beauty, her innocent smile, her kindness and everything else is addicting.

As for the pack her presence had completely changed the atmosphere around here.
Everyone seems much happier than before and I could see how everyone adores especially my beta and gamma.  Sometimes I feel like ripping out their heads when I see the way she acts around them. She feels much more comfortable around those two idiots rather than with me.

Without wasting another second, I boot the door of its hinges. A small gasp escapes her. I freeze when I take in her new appearance. Her once tan skin now pale as a ghost, her grey eyes switched to sliver and her long dark hair is no longer dark but white.
No it can't be. I muttered lifting her fragile body into my arms.

I knew what was going on with her, I didn't want to tell anyone else so I brought in the oricle but fuck she
enraged me when she told me to get rid of her.

How could I get rid of her? After I marked her. It may mean nothing to you but it means everything to me. I've chosen her as my mate and whatever you say now makes no difference, it's too late. I yelled.

But alpha..... "Get out" I growled at the oricle.
Get out of here before I get rid of you. I snarled. And if you ever breath a word to anyone about her, I won't think twice to rip of you apart.

I can't let anyone find about who she really is, if they do her life would be in danger and my pack will definitely want her dead if they discover her true identity.

The sound of her bones cracking got me standing on my feet. Before me stands a beautiful and massive wolf with fur as white as snow. She's magnificent.

My body completely freezes hearing my beast growl out the word "mate". I've been patiently waiting for this day to arrive.

The inexplicably feelings I had for her and the way I was drawn to her wasn't just because I marked her but because she's my mate, my fated mate.

I growled hearing her thoughts about wanting leave.
When I marked her I started to feel all of her emotions and also managed to read her thoughts. She hated and feared me, she desperately wanted to run away from me.

I don't blame her, I treated her as if she were some sort of object to achieve my goal in lifting the curse. It's my fault, I should've been a little more considerate and understanding towards her.

After many years the Curse has been broken, I now have my lycan form back and also a mate which I constantly dreamt off meeting one day. I can't nor will I let her go, she needs to understand that her place is here, besides me. She's soon going to be my queen and rule the lycan kingdom besides me.

Her wolf darts out of my chambers with me sprinting behind her. The palace is eerily quiet, with not a single soul in sight. Everyone's gone on a hunting spree. It's a tradition here at the blood moon pack. On every blood moon, my pack and I venture out in the dense forest, shifting into our Lycan forms and hunt.

A smirk formed on my lips. I halted right outside the entrance of the palace, stripping off my clothes and morphing into my beast.

Her scent still lingered around, I follow her scent which leads me directly into the woods. I could easily catch her but I sort of enjoy the thrill of chasing my mate.

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