The Creature

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Selene's pov

I'm  surrounded darkness, I can't seem to make out where I am but the sound of a wolf howling miles away cought my attention.

Where am I? And how did I even get here in the first place?
I look around me trying to figure out where exactly I am.
The sound of the wolf howling once again sends a shiver down my spine.

It now sounded as if the animal was close by. I need to get out of here but how?
The strong earthy scent mixed with pine tickles my nostrils. I then realize where I am. That smell it's familiar.

I've been here once before and it was a long time ago.
I now remember everything, the darkness, the gustling wind, the smell of pine and the sound of the wolf howling from a distance.

It sounded as if the wolf  was in some sort of pain because the howl sounded painful and something in me wanted to go comfort the hurt animal but then the logic part of me said no. It's a wild animal and it could kill me.

As I walk the branches and leaves crunches underneath my feet. I don't know why but I no longer feel scared, scared of being here in the woods or being scared of the wolf. Just a few minutes ago I was scared but now I'm not, I feel safe.
That's weird or am I loosing my damn marbles.

As I continue walking along the forest path I look up to see the moon shining bright above me. I stare at the moon admiring it's beauty.
Now with the moon shinning bright I can see a little. I halt in my tracks and gasp when I take in the captivating view in front of me.

The lake it looks so serene and tranquil and with the moon glowing bright above makes it look more ethereal.
This place is just so peaceful and calm it brings warmth and peace into my heart and soul. I take in a deep breath, inhaling the earthy scent and pine.

That smell is so incredibly amazing. I then hear something rustling behind me, I swiftly turn around, my eyes widen, I gasp loudly, taking a step backward.

What on earth is this creature? It looks absolutely hideous! It's massive,  it towers over me as it gets closer and closer to me. My body starts to tremble as the creature stands tall looking at me with those soft amber eyes.

It begins sniffing me. What the hell? It suddenly starts licking my face taking me by surprise.
I shudder in disgust, slowly stepping away from the hideous creature.

As I try to slowly get away from the hideous monster everything around me starts to quickly fade away including the creature.

The sound of my mom yelling at my door wakes me up from my slumber. I jolt up from the bed with a shock.
What sort of dream was that? And the  creature? It definitely looked hideous and scary.

"Selene are you up?"
Yes mom, I'll be down in a second. I shouted making my way to the bathroom.

I enter the kitchen to find everyone seated at the table. Good morning everyone. I greet taking a seat next to my mom.
Morning sweetheart. Mom greets smiling at me whilst the others continue eating their breakfast ignoring my presence.

Are you okay sweetheart? You look a little pale. Mom asked staring at me with concern etched on her face.
I'm good I just feel a little tired that's all. I smiled nervously taking a bite of my cereal.

After I was done eating my breakfast I wished everyone goodbye and left for school.
While walking to school it suddenly started to pour. I couldn't stop to seek shelter because I would be late for school and I couldn't let that happen  so I continued walking not cared if I was getting wet.

As I was walking a black suv pulled up in front of me blocking my way. 
What the hell? I shouted banging on the door of the suv. The windows rolled down and I was surprised to see who the driver was.

It was Grayson, the new guy from school.
What does he want? I wondered. "Get in, let me give you a ride to school" he offered.

Thanks for the offer but I think I'm fine walking on my own. I said faking a smile.
"I said get in or I will make you Selene" he demanded.
I raised a brow at him. Who the hell do you think you are?

I'm trying to be nice here but you're not making it any easier for me with that attitude of yours.

"Get out of my way Grayson!"
Or what? What are you going to do Selene? He smirked.

Now get in before I do it myself. He threatened.
Seriously? Is this guy kidding me! Who the hell does he think he is? Ordering me around like I'm his damn puppet.

No I will not and you can't. So please get out of my way.
I heard him sigh. Fine remember you asked for this. He mumbled getting off the vehicle.

I never think for a second that he was being serious when he carried me and placed me into the passenger seat of the vehicle.
I didn't do or say anything except stare at him dumbfounded.
Stop staring. He said as he put on my seat belt.
I looked away feeling embarrassed and confused.

Why are you doing this? I asked.
He ignored my question and got into the vehicle. He started the engine and began driving.

I didn't want you getting sick. He spoke after a long while.
Why do you care? You don't even know me?

He ignored me once again and focused on the road.
I sigh staring out the window tired of being ignored by everyone including him.

Finally we reached school. I unbuckle my seat belt and quickly get out of the vehicle.
Thanks for the ride. I gritted out slamming the door.

I know you enough to know that you're not like everyone else around here. He spoke halting me in my tracks.

I turned around facing him. What do you mean by that?
Remember you said that I don't know you?
Yeah so...? I asked sounding confused.
He smirks. Selene you're so innocent  it's what I like the most about you.

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