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Selene's pov

He stood at the doorway, his arms were crossed against his chest.
He was a giant of a man with tan skin and jet-black hair, his jawline was strong and accented the masculinity he held.
The aura that surrounded him showed the power he held and it terrified me.

He glanced over me, I couldn't help but notice how his forest green eyes seemed to pierce into my very soul.

I could hear my heart beating rapidly.

How could someone be so ruthless, yet alluring? Why do I feel so drawn towards this monster?

"Alpha we were just leaving" Adrian suddenly spoke as he and Cole began to walk away.
Draven acknowledged him with a simple nod.

He looked towards Isabelle, the doctor. "How is she" he asked glancing at me.

Why was he concerned about me? When he's the reason I'm here, laying in this hospital bed.

"She's doing much better but she needs lots of rest". Isabelle replied.
He nodded walking to my bedside.

The faint scent of pine surrounded me. The earthly scent reminded me of
The weird dream I had a few weeks ago. I recall being at the middle of the forest, searching my way out of there when I came face to face with an hideous beast with glowing Amber eyes.

Fear enveloped me as he gently  rubbed his thumb between my neck and shoulder. I suddenly hissed at the burning sensation on my shoulder.

He stared at it. What is he doing? I wondered, watching him closely from my peripheral vision.

Why hasn't the mark healed? He questioned as he continued looking at my shoulder.

Maybe because she's human, I assume it will take a while to heal alpha. Isabelle responded.
He nodded slowly removing his hand away from my shoulder.

I then felt his finger curl under my chin, lifting it up.
I felt my face flush as my steel grey eyes locked with his forest green eyes which actually looked quite familiar.
I've seen those eyes somewhere but I can't remember where exactly was it.

My heart was racing, my breathing was labored. Fear, attraction, uncertainty desire. All these emotions mixed together clouding my mind.

"Pathetic little human". He growled letting go of my face and taking a step back, before turning around and walking away.
I wanted to cuss at him but I held my tongue back. How dare he call me pathetic?.

Draven? I called out. I was shocked at my boldness. I've been wanting to ask him this and I really needed to.
He halted, turning around, raising a brow at me.

"Will you let me go after the Curse is broken?"
Let you go? He repeated.
He stared at me, a wicked grin spread across his lips.

The look on his face scared me to death. He wasn't just a ruthless monster but also psychotic. 

I wish I could but unfortunately you are now bonded to me for eternity.
A shiver run down my spine hear him say that.

Eternity? Crap. I can't stand being near him for a damn second. How the hell am I going to spend an eternity with him?

He roughly gripped my face, forcing me to look up at him. A terrifying glint appeared in his eyes

"You're now mine little human, you belong to me and nothing or no one's going to rescue you from my clutches". He cackled like a damn lunatic, giving me a cold and menacing look.

"Alpha?" Adrian called out just in time to save me from this monster.
What is it now? Draven gritted out, his hand still on my face and glaring at me.

We have a situation. Adrian spoke with such urgency and seemed nervous. Draven swiftly moved his hand from my face and backed away, approaching Adrian.

What's going on?

Adrian's pov

Not a sound could be heard, the room were stood in was absolutely quiet. Cole stood at the far corner of the living room whilst I was busy pacing up and down, thinking of a way we could save the girl.

This situation would've ended up entirely different if Dorian hadn't done what he did. We never wanted or had any intentions of fighting him or his kind. Draven only wanted one thing which was the girl.

He desperately needed her so that he could brake the Curse and shift into his Lycan form. He's been waiting for this to happen for nearly a century. He tried seeking help from every witch in every corner of the world and yet no one could help him.

Infact some despised him and refused to help him so Draven had given up in lifting the Curse.
The Curse had to be broken soon or else Draven would lose everything including his throne.

I do feel bad for him although he can be a little frustrating and difficult at times but he's still my best friend, the one I grew up with. I know how much he wanted this and how much he yearned for a mate but nothing of that sort ever came true for him.

Draven was seated on the couch with the girl in his arms. He seemed to have lost all hope, now that the girl was going to die.

Selene was injected with a large amount of wolfsbane. Even though she's human wolfsbane is quite harmful to anyone.

The doctor from Dorian's pack
had injected her with the wolfsbane, his head was decapitated by Draven.
Draven is known to be brutal and shows absolutely no mercy whatsoever towards his enemies. 

Cole and I watched Draven gaze at Selene in his arms. We both shared a look but decided to say nothing.
I didn't understand why he was behaving in such a odd way.
The way he acted as if the girl meant something to him. The way he held onto her, staring intently at her was weird.

Draven never showed any sort of affection towards anyone, particularly woman but with Selene he seem to care about her. If she was his mate Draven would've told us but she isn't and until the Curse is lifted then only would he find his destined mate so she cannot be his mate.

"I've never expected this to happen". A raspy voice said.
We all turned our gaze to the door. It was the witch, the one who's been helping Draven to brake the Curse.

"You lied, you said this was going to work but instead the girl lays limp in my arms".

"Don't blame this on me alpha. I only tried to help you but this, this is all on you".
How is this any of my fault? When I did exactly what you asked of me?

Fine. I'm not going to stand here and bicker with you when presence is urgently required else where now would you kindly let go of the girl? She demanded, glaring at Draven.

What are you going to do? He questioned, raising a brow at her.
"Well it's not actually me but rather you".
Draven looked confused. Me? What do I need to do?
I'm not sure if you're willing to go ahead with this but it's a way in which she could be saved.

Draven sighed rubbing at his temples. Would you stop beating around and spit it out?
"You're going to have to mark her".

That sounds ridiculous and she's not even his fated mate, how can he just mark her? I blurted out.

The witch narrowed her eyes at me. Did I ask for your opinion beta? She hissed.
I shook my head. No but..... Draven cut me off.
I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back.

The witch smirked at me. Excellent now move along and let me do what I came for.
Draven gently laid the girl on the couch and stepped aside, allowing the crazy witch to do her job.
She placed her hand on selene's chest and began chanting.

The witch then got up from the ground. "It's done, now go ahead and do it, mark her, the magic from your blood would bring her back, all I did was take away all of the poison from her body".

Are you sure this is going to work? Draven asked.
Of course alpha why else would I be here telling you this if it weren't going to work?
Fine I'll do it but will she able to bear my mark? After all she's human.

The witch smiled glancing down at Selene. She certainly will. She muttered and then suddenly disappeared.

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