The Offer

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Selene's pov

I was taken aback when he said he won't let anyone hurt me but why does he care so much about me? I pondered.

"Selene" Grayson called out braking my thoughts.
Yes? I answered looking at him.
Are you okay? You seemed lost there for a moment.

I'm fine I was just thinking about something.
Can I ask what it is you were thinking off?
I sigh. Why are you acting so nice to me? I'm not even your type or good enough to be your friend.

Selene you're different and that's what I admire the most about you. I see what others don't see in you. You're a great person with an incredible personality unlike the others you see the good in people and no matter how bad they treat you, you still forgive them and that's what amazes me the most. You're forgiving and kind.

I stare at him dumbfounded I can't seem to get anything out of my mouth. I'm at loss for words.

I'm sure you must be thinking I'm messing around with you or whatever it is you're thinking but I swear I meant every word I said Selene.

I clear my throat. I'm sure you are. I responded nervously taking a sip of my milkshake.

Would you like to go for a walk? He offered.
I smiled yeah I would love too. I said getting up.

Grayson and I talked whilst we walked along the park.
He told me about his family, how his mom had died when he was little and that he's living with his grandparents here in oaksville.

We talked about our families and what we planned on doing after we graduate high school and lots of other interesting stuff.
He seemed different and nice and I kinda like being in his company.
I guess I was wrong about him all this while.

Draven's pov

I took it upon myself to personally phone the girls parents and invite them over to talk but I didn't tell them what exactly this meeting was about neither did they ask me and I was certain if I had told them they wouldn't come so I thought I'd rather not tell them over the phone and just wait for them to arrive.

I'm sitting in my office busy filling out some paper work regarding the pack. It's been days that I haven't actually got any work done in here at the office cause I was so busy training the new recruits as well as the warriors and also attending business meetings outside of my territory.

Alpha your guests have just arrived at the border. Adrian mindlinked me.
Great bring them to my office Adrian. I said and ending the link.
I sigh leaning back against the chair and rubbing my tired eyes.

Out of nowhere the witch appears standing in front of me.
Are you going to keep doing that? I asked.
She smirks. What's the purpose of having magic if you can't use it?

Try using the door next time. I pointed toward the door.  it's rude to just suddenly pop up. Anyway what brings you here if I may ask?

I just thought I'd inform you about the girls parents. I know you're probably worried if they don't accept however to ease your mind a little I've brought you a little something. She says handing me a white envelope again.

What's this? I asked eyeing the envelope curiously.
You should see for yourself. She said disappearing into thin air.


Alpha they have arrived should I bring them in? Adrian asked through the mindlinked. "Yes Adrian you may". The envelope the witch had given to me, I place it into my desk drawer. There's information about the girls parents especially her father he did some pretty gruesome stuff back in the past.

Adrian opens the door allowing them to enter in first. Adrian you can leave I've got this. I sent him a mindlink.
Okay alpha I'll be in my office if you need anything.
Thanks Adrian. I said cutting the link and focusing my attention on the man and woman that stood in front of  me.

I greeted them. Welcome to the blood moon pack Mr and Mrs Pierce I said shaking their hands.

It's such an honor to be here alpha Draven. My wife and I were extremely thrilled when you called us over the phone.
I faked a smile. Please take a seat. I motion to the chair.

So now that we're here we'd like to know the reason. Mr pierce implored.
I sigh leaning against my chair and folding my arms.

Mr Pierce I have an offer that you can't refuse.
He glances at his wife. She then glances at me and smiles. What sort of offer do you have in mind alpha Draven? She questioned.

I know what happened to your pack and I also am aware of what Mr pierce here had done to some of the shewolves at his pack.
The woman looks away feeling embarrassed.

so if you would like to have a new clean slate, I'd be glad to help get back your pack.

Is that even possible? Mr pierce asked looking surprised.
Of course anythings possible I have my ways of getting what I want.

But you aren't like us. Mrs pierce quipped. The werewolf council would never agree to this as well as the werewolf king.

I have an alliance with the werewolf king.
It was a lie, I have no alliance with that filthy mongrel nor with their kind.

and as for the werewolf council. I continued.
I've already had a word with them and they've agreed on letting you resume your position as alpha of the full moon pack whenever you wish.

Everything I said to him was a lie, a big fat lie so that I could get what I wanted. I knew he desperately wants his pack so this is the only way I could get him to agree to the deal.

We are greatful that you're doing this for us alpha Draven but we would like to know what's in it for you? I'm sure there something that you want from us.

I get up from my chair and pour myself a drink.
Mr pierce what I want from you isn't something you're simply going to give away.
Tell me alpha whatever you want I will most certainly give it to you without even batting an eye.
You've done something which nobody has ever done and I'd very much like to repay you.


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