The Weird Dream

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Selene's pov

I once again found myself in the woods and this time the creature was close to me. It had its head on my lap I wanted to push it away but then I stopped and realized something. This creature reminded me of myself, it reminds me of how everyone around me hates me.

It seemed lonely and hurt maybe because nobody wanted to be near him cause he looked hideous and scary.
It's the same with me, nobody likes me I'm ugly and just not good enough for anyone.

I slowly brought my hand to it's head patting him gently. He purrs as I continue patting him on the head.
I chuckle. You like that don't you? I chuckle softly.
He suddenly wakes up and begins walking toward the lake.

I follow suit and observe his every move. He turns around and gazes into my eyes. His eyes switches from amber to emerald green. Suddenly his body starts to contort. I slowly take a few step backwards and gasp in horror as his body transforms into a human.
Before me stands a man not a creature but a man.

How is this happening? Is this possible? It's got to be some sort of fairytale. However I can't see the man's face clearly it's kinda blur.

He tries to touch me but his hand starts to fade away. It's happening once again.

Buzzzzz the sound of my alarm clock droned in my ear causing my eyes to flutter wide open. I reached for the alarm clock and turned it off.
There isn't school today so there's no reason for me to get up now.
A yawn escapes my lips. I think I'll return to my beauty sleep.

I woke up around ten and got ready. I was going to meet Kaitlyn today. We were going to have lunch at the diner. It's something we always do every Sundays.

I enter the diner and scan the place searching for Kaitlyn. She did say she was already here and waiting for me but I don't see her anywhere around. Maybe I should call her just to make sure.

I sigh. Her phone is going straight to voicemail.
I'm going to kill her she lied to me but why would she do such a thing? And
Where the hell is she in the first place? I wondered.

Anyway since I'm a little famished I think I'll grab a bite.
I order the usual once again and make small talk with Maya the waitress.
After she brings in my order I waste no time and start digging in.

My phone suddenly buzzes in my pocket. I quickly fish out my phone from my pocket and glance at the screen, it's Kaitlyn.

Where the hell are you? I yelled over the phone not giving her a chance to speak.
I'm sorry please don't be mad at me. I was there waiting for you at the diner to show up but then I received a call from Luke. He said he needed my help urgently and I couldn't refuse him so I left.

Couldn't you at least have called or texted me?
My phone battery had died. I'm sorry Selene please don't be mad, please. I promise I'll make it up to you. She pleaded.

You better anyway where are you now?
At Luke's place we're sort of busy so I guess I'll call you later?
Yeah sure. I said hunging up.

I sigh I placing the phone down. Now that Kaitlyn as found herself a boyfriend I'm going to be all alone.
Whilst I was busy brooding away I didn't notice Grayson enter the diner.

Mind if I join you? He asked standing at my table.
I nod. Yeah sure. I motioned to the empty seat opposite me.
Thank you. He smiled plopping down on the chair.

The waitress arrives to our table taking down Grayson's order. He orders the same as me.
The way the waitress flirts and stares at him while taking down his order kinda makes me want to gorge out her damn eyes.

Why should I be mad? I mean there's definitely nothing going on between us. We're not even friends or anything of that sort so why am I getting all upset. I wonderd.

So what are you doing here all by yourself? Don't you have any friends? He questioned.

I do in fact we were supposed to meet here for lunch but her boyfriend needed her help with something.

What about you? Don't you have a boyfriend?
I scoffed. No I don't have a boyfriend.

And why not? You're beautiful and way different from the other girls at school.

I was surprised when he said I'm beautiful. No one has ever said that to me before.

You really think I'm beautiful? I implored.

"Of course I do and to be honest I've never met anyone as beautiful and sweet as you are" he smirked making me blush.

Wow Thank you. I smiled. And you?
Aren't you dating anyone? Since you're now the most popular and attractive guy in school?

No I'm not but there is someone who I like and would want to date but I'm not sure if she will say yes to me.

I wonder who's the lucky girl he likes. I mean who wouldn't wanna date someone as hot as he is. Whoever she is I hope she doesn't turn him down otherwise she would be a fool to do so.

Is this girl from school? Wait let me guess it's Cassie? Isn't it?
He chokes on his milkshake. I get up rushing toward him, gently rubbing his back.

"Are you okay" I asked. He nods. Yeah I'm fine thanks.
My hands were still on his back and for a fleeting moment I thought I felt a current of electricity run up my arm causing me to gasp loudly. I quickly remove my hand and return to my seat feeling slightly embarrassed.

Grayson's pov

Being near her, talking to her and watching her smile was more than enough for me. I loved everything about her and there's absolutely nothing I would want to change about her. She's perfect and I can't thank the moon goddess enough for giving me such an amazing and beautiful mate who I adore and love.

Yes I do love her and in fact I have since the first day I laid eyes on her I instantly fell in love with her and so did Ryker my wolf.

When she stood near me with her hand on my back I knew she felt the sparks and so did I. She was stunned but quickly regained her composure and returned to her seat.
And I also noticed how her cheeks turned red she was embarrassed.

What makes you think I'm dating Cassie? I asked.
I saw you guys here the other day so I assumed maybe you two were sought of dating. She replied nonchalantly.

You honestly think I would date someone as annoying and creepy as her? She irks me. I sometimes wish I could strangle her.

Selene chuckled. I didn't know you harbored so much hate for the girl. Well she is damn annoying and a bully.

I'm sorry for the way she treated you the other day. I said. Selene stared at me puzzled for a moment and then realized what I meant by that.

"Oh well that's nothing new" she said shrugging her shoulders.
Cassie always makes sure to make my life a living hell and I kinda gotten used to it.

I swear if that bitch lays on more finger on my mate or even comes anywhere near her I will make sure she pays.

I take her hand in mine gazing into her grey eyes.
I promise from now I wouldn't let anyone hurt you or treat you like crap especially Cassie.

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