She's Hurt

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Grayson's pov

I couldn't think straight my mind was constantly on Selene hoping if she's safe. I told her I would pop by to her place later on, after I'm done helping my dad.

"What's the matter son? You seem a little lost". My father asked glancing up from the documents scattered in front of him. I sigh running a hand through my hair.

It's about my mate I think she might be in some sort of danger. I've been having this weird feeling since today morning. Ryder also seems quite agitated.

I've told my family that I found my mate. My father was the only person who wasn't thrilled at the news and still isn't because of my mate being "human". My dad despises humans in fact he always did. As for the rest of my family they were pretty excited to meet Selene, especially my younger sister Hailey.

"Then go ahead if you feel something isn't right with her maybe she is in danger and needs your help".

Although my dad didn't like the idea of Selene being my mate, he still respected the mate bond. It's something he honour's and respects.

Thanks dad. I said rising from my seat and moving to the door. My hand is on the door knob, I'm about to open it but halted, when I felt an excruciating pain in my chest.

I clutched onto my chest stumbling backwards. My dad swiftly rose from his seat and helped me take a seat on the couch.

What just happened? He questioned watching me curiously.

I think it's the mate bond telling me that selene's hurt. I need to go to her dad. I said getting up from the couch.

You can't, we'll not in this condition. You're in pain and I don't want anything happening to you son. I think it's best if I send Ryan or Mason over to her place just to check. He suggested.

"No dad I need to go to her. She needs me" I said as I walked out of his office.

Few minutes later I arrive at her place. I see a vehicle parked in her driveway which I assume is her parents. They've probably arrived in today from their trip.

Selene hasn't told them about us yet although she said she would but she was afraid the way her father would react to the news so I told her not to stress about it and we would do it together when the times right.

So I guess now I'll have to take the terrace to get up to her bedroom.
I use my werewolf abilities to climb up the wall and to her terrace.

I slowly turn the door knob and step inside, the room is dark and I can't see her anywhere although I can smell her scent mixed with blood.

"Our mate's hurt, I can feel it". Ryder howled in my head.

Don't worry buddy I promise I won't let anything happen to her. I replied trying to comfort him.

I reach for the light and turn it on. My body freezes when I see my mate's small, delicate body laying on the floor.

Seeing this makes my blood boil and so does Ryder's. Whoever hurt our mate is going to pay.

I gently lift her small fragile body off the ground and into my arms. Her face is mattered with blood, she has a
huge gash on her forehead.

The sight of her being hurt makes me want to loose control but I have to keep my composure for the sake of her.

I was so focused on staring at her face that I did not hear the door opening.

There was this guy with short dark brown hair, pale skin and Grey eyes. He was a little shorter than me in height. His scent was different, it smelled a lot smiliar to a rogues scent. He watched me curiously with an amused expression on his face.

I was confused what was a rogue doing in selene's home? What did a rogue want with my mate?
Unless it somehow discovered she's my mate and decided to hurt her?

What have you done to my mate? I seethed, curling my hand around her a little tighter.

The rogue wolf however seemed composed, he appeared calm. He snorts taking a step forward. I lunged. My one arm around Selene, the other gripping him by the throat.

My mouth turned into a snarl, I was hell bent on ripping him apart for hurting my mate. My fingers sunk against his throat, feeling the warmth of his pulse pumping on the tips of my fingers.

He began squirming and twitching in agony. What do you want with my mate? I growled
"Let me go" he sputterd out. So you're not going to tell me? I growled digging my fingers further into his neck.

Now are you going to tell me or should I end your pathetic life? I roared applying a little more pressure. He gurgles, his eyes building from the pain, his breathing labored.

Why am I wasting my time when I should just kill you. You're still going to come after my mate again. I snarled snapping his neck.


When I reach the pack house my dad is already standing outside, beside him is his second chance mate, Maya and the pack doctor. Before I could get here I sent my dad a mindlink informing him what had occurred at selene's house.

At first he was reluctant to let me bring Selene over to the pack since she's human and she has no idea what we are. I assured him once she's treated and feeling better I will take her away somewhere far, far from any sort of danger.

I sprint into the pack house and up to my bedroom with selene unconscious in my arms.
I place her body onto my bed and stand aside to let the doctor do her work.
Doctor will she be okay? I asked staring worriedly at my mate.

"Yes she will be, it's just a minor concussion otherwise she'll be fine".
Relief washes over me. Thankfully it's nothing serious.

"Have you found out anything from the rogue?" My dad spoke as he stared at Selene's unconscious state.

I shook my head. No I didn't. The rogue refused to reveal any sort of information to me and I didn't waste anytime so I killed him.

And the body? He asked. Have you gotten rid of it?
Damn it! It completely slipped my mind. I need to go get rid of it. I said as I was just about to leave the room but my dad stopped me. "No need for that, I'll send someone to get rid of it" he offered walking out of the room.

"Grayson" Maya called out gently squeezing my shoulder. Let me know when she's awake will you? I'd very much like to meet her. "Of course I will and thank you Maya for persuading my dad to let me bring Selene here".

She smiles warmly at me. "You're welcome and if there's anything else you need just ask, okay?" I nod. I'll catch up with you later. She says leaving the room as well.

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