Cheryl's only entry

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The lights from our artificial stars cast of shine over the sweat on his bare shoulders. His ax came up and fell down with ease. Wood flew off of the chopping block in either direction. He noticed me when he turned to grab another piece.

"Oh, hey Cheryl. I didn't see you there." For such a muscular man, his voice was soft and sheepish when he talked to me.

"How's your hand?"

"It's not too bad. Still stings sometimes, but that's what I get for grabbing a weird fish."

My dark and color drained hair was hanging over my face, so I don't think he noticed me tearing up as I drew nearer. I grabbed his hand and mine and kissed the round scar in the center of his palm.

"All better now?"

All he could do was gulp and say, "Yes."

I jumped into his arms, and he caught me easily. With one arm around my waist pulling me close and his other holding me up by the thigh. I remember kissing him, him kissing me. I was so out of breath that I laid my head on his shoulder as he walked us to a quiet place by the pond. I buried my lips in his neck until I could hear his breathing grow ragged. He laid me down in the sand, but his hands still traced my legs, making sure my feet were well over his head.

I think I'll leave it at that, though.

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