Zombie Blurb 3.

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After the incident with the Director, Leon had to start keeping a much closer eye on you. You now had a tracker clipped to your shirt so he would know your location in the event that you suddenly wandered off.

It was during this time as well that Leon figured out that you didn't like the scientists that were conducting tests on you to find a cure. While Leon's presence seemed calming to you, it was noted that you absolutely hated needles.

Especially when you shoved one of the doctors away when he shoved one into your arm quite roughly. It was both a good and bad sign because it meant you still retained some semblance of pain receptors, your display of aggression had put the scientists and Director on edge.

But not once did you try to bite them, Leon had noted.

When you had to be put back into your makeshift cell (the interrogation room), you had chirped nonstop while repeatedly trying to get out. Honestly, it had made Leon upset.

Watching as you swayed in the middle of the room and looking around with a distressed look on your face, Leon pursed his lips before shaking his head.

"It feels wrong to keep her locked in there."

"The Director deemed it unsafe to allow her to roam after her outburst in the lab. There's nothing I can do right now."

Hunnigan replied, holding her laptop close as she listened to you chirp lowly, pawing at the door. Leon sighed, shaking his head before unlocking the door and walking into the room, careful not to hit you with the door.

When you saw Leon, you gazed at him with that distressed look. Leon sighed and sat down at the table, watching you shuffle after him.

"I know you're upset, but the Director didn't appreciate you shoving the doctor away."

You took a moment to process what he said before grabbing your plant and handing it to Leon. Leon sighed and set the plant down, saying.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you right now."

You looked distressed again, chirping repeatedly as you looked around the room, and Leon took your hand. You paused, looking down at his hand.

"(Y/n), it isn't forever, I promise."

You didn't seem to be paying attention. Instead, you were staring at his hand, swaying softly before you took your hand from his. Leon was saddened before he froze, your cold hand slowly coming to his chest.

His heart was beginning to beat fast as your hand popped and cracked as you flattened your palm right above his heart, feeling his heartbeat. Leon watched your face slowly relax, and you shuffled closer before slowly tipping back to sit in the chair beside him.

Your chirped, and Leon gently placed his hand over yours, almost as if he was trying to warm your hand up.

"Your heart is gonna beat like this soon. I swear."

You turned your head to the side before flopping your ear against his chest, and Leon almost jolted from the feeling.

Were you....listening to his heartbeat?

Leon was stupefied before he softened, saying gently as he patted your head.

"It's alright. I'll talk to the Director for you, sweetheart."

If he had been looking close enough, he would have noticed a lone tear falling from your cheek.


Another long talk with the Director and three more days of being in the interrogation room, you were allowed back out. Leon had greeted you, taking your hand and helping you up onto the skateboard to wheel you out when he was called to do some paperwork.

With him being too busy to keep you company, Hunnigan was surprisingly willing to hang out with you. You were incredibly intriguing, poking at an unplugged keyboard while she sat at her desk, watching you closely.

You were also weirdly quiet. No chirps, no thumbs up, just an idle zombie poking at a keyboard. It was almost strange for you to not be so characteristic; almost as if you were afraid to do anything lest you got locked up again.

But zombies didn't have emotional capabilities, did they? Hunnigan wasn't exactly updated on the results of all the testing that had been done so far. In fact, the only thing that she knew was that the doctors and scientists were still unsure of what you were infected with.

At least it wasn't contagious and that you biting someone wasn't a worry.

It was almost strange to her how nonexistent your appetite was. Did you just not have the capability to be hungry? Hunnigan watched as you swayed, staring blankly as you ceased the clicking, and in a weird way, it was almost like you were lost in thought.

Hunnigan closed her computer before digging into her bag, pulling out a little enamel succulent pin she had found while at the store after working.

"(Y/n), I have something for you."

You didn't respond, simply seeming frozen in time before you finally turned to Hunnigan. Standing up, Hunnigan showed you the pin.

"Leon told me that you really like plants. They didn't have an herb pin.. but I thought you'd like a succulent."

You blinked, reaching for the pin slowly, but Hunnigan pinned it to your shirt for you.

"There. Compliments your shirt nicely."

Finally, you chirped, and Hunnigan smiled widely in accomplishment. You were playing with the pin, rubbing your finger against the enamel before chirping again, giving her a thumbs up.

It was honestly endearing how thumbs up and plants were your thing. Hunnigan shook her head while chuckling before turning as the door to her office opened. You turned, shuffling to face the door before seeming to relax when Leon walked in.

Your hand immediately came up to his chest, your head following, and Hunnigan hummed as Leon smiled slightly.

"I think she really enjoys hearing your heart beat."

"At least she isn't trying to eat it. Not everyday i get zombie hugs."

Hunnigan chuckled before she said, watching the way your eyes closed when Leon placed his hand on the top of your head.

"To be honest, it's really intriguing how she doesn't seem to have an appetite at all. Do you think it could be because of the virus?"

Leon shrugged, murmuring as you chirped before pulling away slowly, turning back to the keyboard and pushing keys.

"Who knows. I'm just glad she isn't hostile."

Hunnigan nodded before she watched you play with your pin a little. Leon hummed after a moment.

"Do you think she might be vegetarian?"

"Leon, I don't think zombies can be vegetarian."

"Breatharian, or whatever it's called?"

"She isn't even breathing."

You chirped in response, and Leon huffed before poking your shoulder to get your attention.

"You're supposed to be on my side."

Giving him a thumbs up, you chirped again before turning back to the keyboard. Hunnigan just rolled her eyes.

"I think the day I see a zombie eat a plant is the day I officially retire."

And then Leon suddenly got a brilliant idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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