Scotty the Tenderfoot.

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Summary: Leon’s finally gotten in touch with his aunt and uncle and have been invited to have dinner with them. Leon wants to take this time to introduce you to his family and gets more than what he bargained for.

Warning: Fluff, Family, Humor, Slight Angst

“Leon, I don’t know.”

“Come on, they’ll love you.”

You and Leon were standing on the front porch of his childhood home, your feet shuffling nervously as Leon prepared to knock on the front door, his lips curled into a comforting and soft smile.

According to Leon, his aunt and uncle had finally managed to get in touch with him and asked him to come visit. Leon, being a family-man at heart, had caved almost instantly when his aunt, a highly-praised woman by the name of Scarlet, pleaded with him because she missed him. How many years had it been? Too many, according to her.

Leon didn’t want to deny that he missed his aunt and uncle, they had been a huge part of his life when growing up, but being in the job that he was, it could be dangerous to be around them.

A small visit wouldn’t hurt though, right?

When Leon had invited you to go with him, you had instantly been apprehensive. While Leon had met your parents (which had been the most awkward dinner of your life), you were nervous to meet his family. You knew that his aunt and uncle meant a lot to him, and if they didn’t like you, what would you do?

You wanted to make a good impression, and Leon had done his best to put you at ease; praising you and letting you know that his family would be idiots to not like you.

“I know it’s scary, but trust me, Aunt Scarlet will be thrilled to know I have an amazing partner.”

Leon held you close, his hand warm against your lower back, and you bit your lip softly before looking up at him.

“Are you really sure? I know they mean a lot to you…”

Leon kissed your temple sweetly, murmuring.

“Only one way to find out, baby.”

Leon knocked on the door, and your heart began to race as you heard feet shuffling into the hall. The door opened, and there stood a tall older woman. Her green eyes were ringed with a brown smokey-eye, red and graying hair curled in a classic Fawcett style. Her lips were a ruby red, surrounding pearly white teeth that shined when she smiled widely.

“Oh my god! Look at you, my little Scotty!”

Leon’s ears went pink, and you were surprised by her heavy Texan accent. She gathered Leon up in a hug, and Leon smiled softly, hugging the woman back.

“Nice to see you too, Aunt Scarlet. Where’s Uncle Tim?”

“Oh, you know, that man can’t spend a single day without being under that truck in the barn!”

They parted, and Scarlet turned to you, her green eyes curious as she gazed at you.

“And who is this, Scotty?”

“This is my partner, (Y/n). We’ve…been together for a couple years now.”

You waved to the woman politely while offering her a small and nervous smile.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Leon’s told me a lot about you.”

Scarlet smiled wide and brought you into a hug, surprising you as Leon smirked proudly.

“Aren’t you just the cutest thing! You’re the lovely one that’s been taking care of little Scotty after all these years? My, you must have the patience of God because I tell you what, this young man is a chaotic little thing!”

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