Close Calls.

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Summary: After a mission with Leon goes awry and Leon is shown the reality of his life, he is forced to face his worst fears: losing you.

Warning: Erotica, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Slight Gore, Erotica, Vanilla, Pregnancy Mention, Emotional Leon

Ammo was low and backup was scarce. Leon had checked his pouches at least twice in hopes that ammo would magically appear into his inventory. Whoever had ratted them out had taken a lot of supplies with them when they had run with their tail between their legs, and it had Leon on edge from the dire feeling the situation had accumulated. His eyes were searching the battlefield, looking a specific person as he filtered through the situation.

Three people from a unit of 10 were now left, keeping cover behind fallen structures and vehicles as the enemy continued to shell out firepower against the remaining intruders.

Leon, a rookie agent from Panama City named Gerald, and you.

You were sitting right next to the rookie who seemed to freaking out, keeping a firm hold on Gerald’s shoulder as you spoke to him, though Leon couldn’t hear what was being said from the loud gunfire that echoed around him. Your face was comforting as you reassured and motivated the young man, but Leon could see it in your eyes: you weren’t sure if the three of you were going to make it out.

You made eye-contact with Leon from across the road, and he nodded at you once, trying to keep morale up. However, you didn’t reply, just stared before you glanced down at Gerald. Leon knew that look all-too-well, and he made a face.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” he muttered beneath his breath as he watched you peek out from around the concrete structure, trying to get a read on the situation and how bad it was. There was an explosion, and as the three of you ducked as debris fell all around you, the gunfire suddenly ceased.

And then the screaming began.

You and Leon both popped out from around the structures you were hiding behind and your eyes widened at the sight of a tyrant. It had to be at least ten feet tall and made of pure muscle, feet looking to be the size of a dinner table and hands with mouths on the palms.

It was plowing through the hostiles like they were nothing, and Leon knew that he had to get you and Gerald out of there as soon as possible. However, you were already dragging the rookie by the back of his neck as you began to book it, not even waiting for Leon to give his order, and the man immediately caught up.

“There’s a safehouse at the end of the corner!”

You made a face as Leon began to lead the group, and you exclaimed as you shoved Gerald in front of you, the poor man unable to speak from how terrified he was.

“That thing will run right through the fucking walls, Leon. We need to fall back at least a whole fucking country at this point!”

Leon looked back to scold you, but his eyes widened when he noticed the tyrant was right behind you.

“(Y/n), look out!”

You were grabbed and immediately thrown into the building the group had been running past, and Leon felt his stomach drop as he watched your body go through the bricks. Gerald was shooting at the tyrant in a panic, but it seemed to only piss the mutant off, coming straight towards the kid.

Leon, despite wanting to run to you, needed to make sure that he tried to help the kid first that he knew for sure was alive (he was standing right before him, after all). So, Leon grabbed the Gerald and practically threw him from the tyrants reach before lighting the tyrant’s face up with bullets. The tyrant stumbled, and Leon immediately spun to take cover.

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