His Peace.

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Summary: Yes, Leon had to argue that his favorite part of coming home was being in your arms; safe and sound from the terrors of the secret world he lived in.

Warning: Angst

His favorite part of coming home was being in your arms.

As the sunlight blinded his eyes, Leon winced and covered his face as he stepped out of the taxi cab he had taken home. The sun was unusually bright for that 11am morning, blaring and casting a white glow upon everything that it shined upon.

Upon seeing his front door, a warmth filled his chest; comfort flowing through him with every step that Leon took towards his door. Birds were singing, dogs barking and children laughing from within the home as he approached, and Leon felt peace come through him.

All his life, this was what Leon had dreamed: A day when he would come home for good, welcomed into a quiet life of peace and solitude with the family he had created with the person of his dreams.

The front door suddenly opened, and there you stood: a beacon of liberation from the life that he had sought so hard to escape. Leon’s eyes were soft as you gazed at him in surprise, lips curling up into a smile as you wiped your hands on a dirty apron you had on.

Three little children, a boy and two girls, peeked around your legs before they smiled just as bright as the sun, running towards him with excited giggles and hands outstretched.

Leon allowed his duffel to fall to the ground as he knelt for them, gathering them up into his arms and holding tight as they cheered for him; praising his presence and exclaiming about how much they had missed him.

The tension in his body was melting away, a relaxation overcoming him as Leon held his children, and he glanced back up at you, heart fluttering slightly as you gazed at him with so much love in your eyes that they radiated a special gleam only he understood.

Leon allowed his children go only to walk to you with purpose; eager to be home, and when he reached you, Leon slipped his hand into your own. Fingertips brushed, and electricity ran through his body, shocking him to his core as you held his hand tightly.


You whispered, and Leon knelt down without a word, eager to kiss your lips. When Leon kissed you, another shock of electricity ran through him, and he melted by the way your hand caressed his cheek, feather light and so comforting that Leon almost became lost in the feeling.

The world around him was blurring together, and it was only him and you standing upon the front porch of the home he had built with you; loving one another finally in peace.

“I missed you,” he whispered against your lips, holding you so close, and you chuckled, whispering just as softly.

“I was wondering when you were going to come home.”

Leon smiled as his children made disgusted noises, complaining about ‘Daddy’s giving Mommy cooties!’ and running off somewhere deep into the house behind the two of you. Leon’s hands came to your hips as he murmured.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“You don’t have to apologize. I’m just happy that you’re home.”

Your hands were wrapped around his neck, and Leon whispered to you, resting his forehead against yours sweetly as he gazed deep into your eyes, another shock running through him when you smiled a shy smile at him.

“I swear, you get prettier every time I see you.”

“You’ve always been such the charmer, hm?”

Your lips met again, and that damned sun became so bright that even behind his closed eyes, his vision blurred white, and Leon could only think of how thankful he was to finally be home; finally able to grasp his peace and keep it close to his chest.

“We’ve lost him.”

“No, there’s…there’s gotta be something we can do! Get the AED ready again. Administer another round!”

A hand against a heaving chest, saddened but stern.

“Chris…Chris, he’s gone. Leon’s gone. There's nothing we can do for him now.”


“What the fuck am I gonna tell (Y/n), man? What…what am I gonna say to them? Fuck….fuck!”

Groaning, then a singular shot, distant explosions, and tears.

“I’m sorry, Leon…I’m so sorry.”

Yes, his favorite part of coming home was being in your arms. But Leon could almost argue that it was the peace that came over him every time he did.

Yes, his peace.

A long and over-due peace.

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