The Eros Trials.

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Summary: You and Leon are partnered up on a mission to investigate a new outbreak in Los Angeles. While looking through a lab for any clues, you accidentally bump into a cabinet with some lethal-looking chemicals and get doused in the mysterious liquid. When nothing happens initially, you and Leon continue on until suddenly, you start to feel some alarming symptoms…
Warning: Erotica, Swearing, Sex Pollen/Chemicals, Mentions of Period/Menstrual Cycle, Description of Rotten Flesh, Dubious Consent, Overstimulation, Slight Breeding, Spanking, Hair-Pulling, Unprotected Sex, Creampies

Rotting flesh and blood had a very distinctive smell.

In most cases, rotting flesh smelled like days-old rotten eggs mixed with fermented garbage with a sickly sweet twinge of foul cheese. When you mixed blood into the equation, it always had a rotten milk hint.

Even after years of being in the DSO and being exposed to the smell, there was nothing that could ever save you from the scent. It permeated your clothes, your hair, your skin, and there were times when putting essential oils beneath your nose did nothing to keep the stench away.

Thank god this time was different.

You and your mission partner and long-time friend, Leon S. Kennedy, were investigating a breakout of infection within Los Angeles, stationed particularly within the Los Angeles Research Facility that had doubled as Umbrella’s testing site in secret for years-until now, of course.

It had been a major loss for the city as the infection had spread to Santa Clarita and Thousand Oaks before being contained by the US Military with assistance from the Canadian Army. During the containment operation, you and Leon were deployed to the facility to find out what had happened, who had initiated the outbreak, and whether or not they were alive. If so, your job was to neutralize them and whatever B.O.W’s they had created.

So far, there had only been the normal infected that was typical of any outbreak. No Lickers, no parasitic infected like the Las Plagas, nor no Tyrants as of yet. It was almost…easy. Neither you nor Leon had commented on how quiet the mission had seemed, and you weren’t going to jinx anything by opening your mouth.

“All clear in here.”

As you entered into a lab within the lower levels of the facility, you were greeted by the sight of research equipment that you were completely unfamiliar with and a seemingly stark-clean room that smelled highly of ammonia. However, just like you had seen in the underground facility beneath Raccoon City and the one in Spain , there were plenty of vials, beakers, flasks, and test tubes filled with strangely-colored liquids.

Leon glanced at you, watching as you gazed at all the vials in wonder before reaching for a vial. He instructing gruffly, sifting through the desks and searching for any documents that might give a clue for what exact virus had been used for the outbreak in the city you two were in and who might have made the call to let it loose.

“Don’t touch anything, (Y/n).”

Retracting your hand from one of the vials on the many counters in the room, you raised your eyebrow up at your partners back, smiling the slightest.

“I wasn’t going to! Geesh, you’re like a mom in Walmart.”

The man glanced over his shoulder at you, his blue eyes unamused, and you couldn’t help but chuckle before turning. Some of the cabinets that were in the lab were locked down tight, probably for the better good, but there were a couple that had been left open, the shelves almost seeming to be emptied out save for a few test tubes on the top that were filled with a glowing, pink liquid.

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