For the Very First Time.

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Summary: Leon’s gotten home after a vigorous training session with the government to prepare him for his new role as an agent, and he’s ready to get a shower and relax with you. However, you’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and you think it’s about time to tell Leon about what’s been on your mind.

Warning: Swearing, Virgin! Leon, Loss of Virginity, Protected Sex, Awkwardness, Slight Teasing, it’s very vanilla 

His bones were aching by the time Leon had made it through the front door of the shared apartment. His training session with some of the finest agents the government had to offer was extremely trying, and Leon could tell that he was going to bruise heavily on his torso from how many times he’d been thrown down onto the matt.

While Leon was enjoying the training and enjoying learning how to be an agent, he just hated how absolutely grueling the training was at times. They were relentless with him, and Leon had to wonder if it was because of the circumstances from which he had been forcefully hired.

The smell of a delicious dinner wafted through his nose the moment Leon opened the door, his stomach growling as Leon smelled your cooking, and he couldn’t help the happy sigh that left him. It was his favorite part about coming home for the day.

You were standing in the kitchen with your back to Leon, the radio playing some country song he didn’t recognize, and he could see that you were cooking up some porkchops. Did you know that he had been having a long day? Leon came up behind you and held you tightly, sighing as the delicious smell became stronger.

“Hi, baby.”

Your voice was soothing to him, soothing his nerves as Leon simply held onto you, mumbling back tiredly.

“Hey, sweetheart. That smells amazing.”

You smiled over your shoulder at him, kissing him on the cheek, and Leon relaxed against you before he began to dig into the fridge, fishing out a cold bottle of water before downing the liquid in one swift chug. You chuckled as you eyed him, asking him.

“Geez, are they even treating you guys right at the DSO?”

Leon sighed and shook his head a little.

“They are. The training is just insane. I swear that I sweat off anything I drink almost immediately.”

The two of you chuckled before you finally finished dinner. Leon set the table for you as you brought dinner over, and when the two of you finally sat down together, it was like Leon was finally home. He was finally relaxing, just enjoying his time, and your presence was all he wanted to be in at the moment. Leon glanced over at you as you built his plate up for him, and he smiled softly.

How lucky was he to have you here beside him? Leon grabbed his plate, saying a ‘thank you, baby,’ before diving right into his meal as if he hadn’t eaten all day (which was true, but he wasn’t going to tell you that).

“So, Leon, I’ve thinking about something lately.”

Leon perked up, looking up at you as you twirled a bit of your food around your plate, looking shy and nervous, and Leon immediately sat up within his seat, asking.

“Yeah, what’s that?”


Your voice trailed off, and you scratched your cheek, a nervous tic that Leon had noticed you would do whenever you wanted to talk about something extremely serious. Leon set his silverware down and gently tapped your foot with his own, saying softly.

“It’s okay, baby, you don’t have to be shy with me. What’s on your mind?”

You sighed, rubbing your toes against his ankle for comfort before setting your own silverware down. The two of you held hands, Leon’s thumb brushing against your skin comfortingly, and Leon tilted his head cutely.

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