Lessons Learned.

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Summary: After a mission goes awry and you get hurt after going against orders, Chris decides to give you a rerun on who the boss is around the BSAA.

You had never seen the man look so frustrated as he looked down at you. The wind was howling, the whole medical tent shaking as it stormed outside, and you were becoming unnerved by the way his brown eyes just stared. Shifting carefully so you didn’t jostle your broken leg, you swallowed.

“What is it, Chris?”

Chris just furrowed his brow, asking you with an exasperated tone to his words.

“What the hell were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

You sighed and shook your head, gesturing languidly with your hands as you spoke.

“I wasn’t going to just let you get hit, Chris. I had to do something.”

“Jumping on the back of a BOW was your brightest idea?”

Chris crossed his arms, his muscles causing the black long-sleeved shirt he had on to stretch over his skin so much that you swore the shirt would tear if he wasn’t careful. His back straightened, and the cigarette sitting between his lips was slowly going out. You frowned deeply, replying back as the irritation slowly began to settle in.

“If I had known you would be this unappreciative, I would have let your ass die.”

Chris looked taken back before he pointed at you, coming close enough for his beefy thighs to brush against your knees.

“Listen, I didn’t ask for you to do that. I get what you were trying to do, but you got extremely lucky. There was no way you were going to survive that encounter. I’m not going to sit here and watch my soldiers play hero and get killed for it.”

Suddenly, an image of Piers came into Chris’ mind, and he had to shake his head and take a deep breath. You watched as he contemplated his next words, and Chris began to search for a lighter to relight his cigarette. Leaning forward while holding a lighter, you flicked it on and Chris just gazed at you for a moment before leaning forward as well.

Your faces were a little close, and you could see the worry lines on his aged face setting in. His eyes were dark, looking brown in the dim light of the tent, and Chris pulled back, taking a deep drag of his cigarette. He sighed out the smoke, shaking his head.

“My one priority is my team, and it’s my job to make sure you all come home. I can’t risk losing another teammate, and that’s why you’re gonna sit out for the rest of this mission. You’re a liability with your leg, and I can’t trust you to not do anything stupid.”

Your jaw dropped, and you hissed, trying to get off the table and grunting when it made fire run up your whole leg.

“Are you fucking serious, Chris? You can’t do that!”

Chris grabbed you by the shoulders, pushing you back up onto the table with a stern look on his face, shaking his head.

“Yes I can. I’m your captain and what I say goes. You’re sitting out and that is that.”

He was standing so close, you could smell the stench of the sweat that had been absorbed by his shirt; natural musk and cigarettes invading your senses. His hands were still on your shoulders, reluctant to let go in case you tried to jump off the table again, and Chris sighed.

“I can’t trust you not to do anything stupid.”

“Saving your life is stupid? Gee, tell me how you really feel, Captain.”

Chris’ eyes seemed to change, his grip on your shoulders tightening, and you blinked in surprise as he spat out his cigarette. Chris’ lips upturned into a smirk, stating.

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