Easy, Girl.

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Summary: Your heart was racing in your chest as he stood before you, fingers brushing against your skin as if his touch didn’t send fire throughout your body with every caress. Leon Kennedy was suffocating you.

Warning: Erotica, Swearing, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Choking, Dirty Talk, Praise, Unprotected Sex, Muffling/Silencing, Teasing

His eyes were intense as he looked at you, half-lidded and bottom lip tucked between his teeth in a subtle bite. Your heart was racing in your chest as he stood before you, fingers brushing against your skin as if his touch didn’t send fire throughout your body with every caress.

Leon Kennedy was suffocating you; hand wrapped around your throat in a tight grip, teasing you on an edge between panic and pleasure, and your knees became weak. How long had he been teasing you this way; rubbing his hard-on against your thigh as he claimed your lips as his and his only?

Leon was strong, however, holding you up and pinned easily against the wall of the random room he had pulled you into. You wouldn’t be able to get out of his grip even if you wanted to try; let alone even dream of such a thing. His touch was exciting you, filling you with an acute adrenaline that had never filled you before.

You shouldn’t be doing this.

Echoing through your head like a mantra, the hesitation of the rational part of your mind didn’t go unnoticed from Leon’s keen eyes. The man leaned down, lips brushing against your ear as his voice whispered to you as a Leon’s grip lightened on your throat to finally let you breathe.

“What’s wrong, agent? Having second thoughts?”

Anybody could walk in and see us.

He was willing to step away; to respect your boundaries if you decided that you didn’t want this, his fingertips now a simple caress against the hollow of your throat as if you were made of glass. You grabbed his wrist and gently pulled his hand to wrap back around your throat, his warmth seeping into your skin easily as you whispered to him, timid and shy as if it were your first time ever.

“No…you’re just making me nervous.”

You’re making me feel so good.

Leon’s eyes lit up with a  strange look of pride for your and haughtiness for himself, cupid lips teasing the presence of a smirk before they touched the shell of your ear. Leon’s breath was hot and promising, singing quiet praises as his voice spoke sin-filled suggestions.

“Why? Is it my hand? Would you rather me put it somewhere else?”

Leon’s hand that was on your throat was now sliding down your chest, grazing your skin and making goosebumps appear all over your shivering body. Leon’s nose brushed against yours as he gazed into your eyes, teasing gently as the thumb of his hand brushed against your pebbled nipple.

“Don’t be shy…tell me what you want.”

We’re gonna get in so much trouble.

Your voice was caught within your throat as you stared into his beautiful ocean eyes, getting lost within the black holes of his pupils that dragged you and your hear right in, never to be seen or heard from again.

His free hand that had been propped against the wall right above your head moved down as you took in a shaky breath, his fingers caressing your parted lips as his other hand continued to touch and tease at your breasts. Leon’s lip was caught between his teeth for a second before he released his subtly swollen lip. His lips were on yours right then, greedy and domineering as Leon kissed your nervousness away.

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