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"Sir. We took all the necessary precautions. For the carts, we bought sturdy ones. As for the slope, the angle of the ramp where we shoot off should be 45 degrees and equal to the angle of landing. The safety net was set at an appropriate distance and covered a fairly large area if the calculation were faulty. ", Noah explains his 'expertly mapped out plan to the GC.

What's annoying is that the GC looks interested. I sigh deeply.

This is what I mean when I say he is wasting his potential. Look how masterfully he fleshes out the details of his shenanigans. This guy is clearly something else.

I come out of the office and rest against the wall next to it. I take off my specs, pinching my nose ridge. The good thing is that they didn't get any injuries.

Well. Anna did. I carried her on my back to the infirmary which was thankfully not that far. She kept joking around with her new friends but was evidently exhausted judging from how she dozed off in no time.

'Don't drop me okay?' Hmph. As if I would ever.

She had tightened her grip around my neck, sending my heart into my throat, when Brett offered to carry her. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me happy. It was as if she chose me. Even if it is for a back ride.

I was disappointed at my ever racing mind to freeze the moment I was blessed with what I had only imagined. She hugged me. And I stood there like an idiot.

I would have punched myself if my arms were free.

A golden opportunity wasted.

And look at her worried about me when she kissed the ground mere seconds ago.

I almost had a heart attack when she jumped off the bike. Like it wasn't already sorrowfuly thumping when she clutched onto Brett, riding behind him. Or when he was holding her up, I thought she had really gotten hurt.

Out of all people I didn't expect Anna to act out. She needs better friends in my opinion but I saw how free-spirited she was, tired but still bickering back and forth with them. If she is happy that is all I ask for but she needs to be safe.

However, when she stood up with the scarf, she looked just how she did back then. Enchanting. Triumphant. Beautiful. And stealing my breath and heart away.

Back then.

I should join the poetry club. Or the unrequited love club. Do we even have those? We should have one.

Sarah, Xiumina, Noah and Brett walk out of the office unharmed. I fold my arms and give each of them a disapproving stare.

They have the audacity to giggle."Big bro! What's up?", Noah slings an arm around my shoulders. I don't budge.

"Hi Den, what's up?", Sarah extends a hand to me. I ignore it.

"Den you are far too handsome for that frown. You will get wrinkles! ",  Xiumina suggests. I don't care.

"Yo. She is right. We won't want best boy Denver to get old soon",  Brett adds. You better not talk to me.

I get out of Noah's grasp. I want to scold them but I know all my ranting will fall on deaf ears. They have been like this for years. I had a glimmer of hope that they would improve in college but oh well.

I sigh again. "Did any of you get hurt? "

"No. ", they echo. "Is Anna okay? ",  Brett asks. For a split second, I have this urge to not tell him anything. But it is irrational. He can go meet her anytime. This soars my mood and heart further.

Why is he so concerned?  If he was so worried about her he shouldn't have roped her into this. I take a deep breath, "She is getting a thorough checkup in the infirmary. What is your punishment for this? "

"We will have to volunteer in the upcoming gala", Xiumina pouts. "Come on!  We need to enjoy the festival!  I don't wanna be serving drinks and snacks at some stall! "

"You all should be grateful that is all you are getting away with. You could have gotten suspended for a week after this. ", I turn away from them to check on Anna in the infirmary. Elios has been there with her since I had to deal with this.

I turn around to see them following me. "What now? ", I barely manage to keep the irritation from my tone.

"Oh. We want to check up on Anna, too. ", Sarah says brightly.

"How do you know I am going to see her or not? ", I fold my arms.

"Are you not? ", Noah smirks at me. My brow twitches, "You are in hot water. Just wait till Dad hears about this. "

For the first time today, his face falls. The rest follow suit. It is oddly satisfying.

"But we had proper safety checks!  We did it outside school hours! ", Noah reasons. "Denver don't tell Dad. No one got hurt. "

"Anna got hurt. ", I grit as we reach the hall that leads to the infirmary.

"She didn't bleed or anything! I checked for major injuries. She will be fine. ", Brett argues supporting his best friend.

My hand freezes at the door knob. I turn my head to glance at him failing to keep the fury from my voice, "You better pray that's true. "

All of them flinch. I knock at the door and a chirpy,  'Come in. ' sounds and my shoulders instantly relax.

Sigh. She will be the death of me.

Short chapter. I know.

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now