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I shut the door of the bathroom and dry my hair with a microfibre towel.

An hour in the gym is the best vent for stress. Also, it keeps me in shape for when the game season.

After changing into my pyjamas, I check my schedule for the next day one last time and lie on my bed.

All set for tomorrow.

My eyelids weigh a pound each. Sigh. Peace, at last. Today has been a hectic day.

I wonder where Jonah is. He probably won't be here before 12 o'clock.

I close my eyes and instantly see a familiar face. The tired smile she offered me before heading to her dorm didn't hold a candle to her usual pearly one.

She may have just wanted me not to worry. But how could I not?

She was so upset today. So out of spirit almost like someone put out her light.

Someone did.

There is something here. I am sure of it. Even if she looks fine.

"Burn to shine", as my father says. Now I know where her shine comes from.

Smiles most radiant hide the most painful of scars.

The wounds heal but memories linger.

I lay on my right side and wonder what she might be up to. Probably sleeping from exhaustion.

Now I fully understand her problem. It isn't that she is dense but disturbed. Her confidence has been shaken to the core.

Here I thought she would have been living a peaceful life.

When I saw her lively eyes brimming with tears. My mind went blank.

I have tutored some kids in high school. Only the ones who wanted to actually improve. I lose patience with slackers and nonserious ones.

That is why I refused to give Noah and Brett lessons.

I had no idea of Anna's footing, so, I was ready for any reaction but not this.

It hurt. Me.

The image of her usually bright face fighting not to lose her smile and let the tears drop. Trying so hard not to crumble.

Just how did it come to this? Who did this to you?

My jaw sets instinctively. If I ever find out who...

Someone knocks or more like kicks at the door.

I frown and get up to open it. Jonah stumbles in with his hands full. A bag of chips is even hanging from his mouth.

He grins, "Sup!", I take the bag, "Where were you?" He slumps on his bed, "Getting food. You know humans need to eat to stay charged."

I roll my eyes at his jab and nod at the bag of chips. " Sure. Processed potato chips are quite a healthy option."

It is his turn to roll his eyes. "Come one Den! Live a little bro!" "No, thank you and wash your hands before eating."

He rolls his eyes again but gets up anyway, "Fine Mom."

I turn to lie down again but halt midstep when he speaks. "Oh by the way the beef-filling tacos and the cup of whole milk are yours. Anna sent that for you. She told me to thank you for your kindness."

He turns to me and asks, "What kindness is she talking about?"

I tend to forget that Anna is Jonah's sister and he may not like me being close to her.

"I decided to help her with chemistry."

He beams at me, "Really? Thank you so, much bro! I owe you one. Finally, she will not get nightmares because of it."

Nightmares? Is it that bad?

"Well, I am glad she has someone like you in her corner now." "What do you mean someone like me? ", I ask.

"Well a reliable friend who will guide her right and not manipulate her. You know she can use one of those." He leaves to wash up.

I pick up the taco. Isabelle must have told her the kind of tacos I like.

You don't need to thank me, Anna.

I take a bite. Hmm. Filled with tender juicy beef bathed in mayonnaise. Plenty of black pepper. Green onions. Crispy. Not too spicy, nor too bland.

Just as I like it. I almost drop it when Jonah pokes his head through the door, "You seem to be getting along with Anna well these days."

I choke on a bite. "Relax, bro. You have been choking a lot these days.", he says chuckling and handing me a water bottle.

Was I that obvious? The apology is right on the tip of my tongue but he cuts me off.

"Oh and I don't mind you getting close to Anna, just in case you are wondering. As I mentioned, she can use a reliable friend." I want to ask more but I'd rather hear it from her first.

Only if she wants to.

"It isn't a big deal.", I try to appear nonchalant. "If you insist but thanks anyway. "Jonah smiles knowingly. I ignore him.

Then a thought crosses my mind. Worth a shot.

"Say, Jonah? Which middle school did you and Anna attend again?"

He ponders for a second, " We went to different schools. I and Vamick went to an all-boys school at a fair distance and she attended one near our home."

He glances at me, " Why are you asking?"

"Just curious about her schooling. What kind of student is she and all that", I spin a lie.

"Anna? Oh, a hardworking one. She often says 'Hard work is my talent.' If you give her the time and resources she needs she will come around anything."

Hm." Unless the slash is on her trust and pride.", Jonah mumbles to himself but I catch it.

Trust and pride? What does that mean? I want to know.

But it isn't his story to share and mine to spy onto.

I'll wait for her to open up herself.

Jonah rants about his day. I nod to him absently and work my taco.

I am grateful that he isn't trying to worm out the truth from me. He can nag like no tomorrow when he wants to. I fear if he came to it he would not let me be.

I glance at the pile on my desk. It is my turn to protect you.


Surprise! Two updates in a row! Also at this point you will make me say it won't you?


I wanna read criticism so I can improve!

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now