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I tear the sheets of paper into neat squares. Hm. Thirty will do? I can make more later.

I take out my pen and write down all the questions I got wrong from my class quiz and the one with Denver.


My mind drifts to this afternoon. His perception is admirable. How did he even come to that conclusion?

Why did I never think of it when I clearly heard the sarcastic comments of my teacher and the snickering of my fellows in my head? Or dream about it.

Drained, I hit the sack after I came back to my room.

"A biochemist? Oh please! Give up!

You're giving us second-hand embarrassment with your stuttering.

Did she get that wrong? Such a simple question?

Someone isn't fit for her dream.

She needs a reality check. So nervous that she forgot the formula of area.

Do something else. Overconfident! Careless!

We must have overestimated her.

Miss Annabelle get out! You aren't allowed in my classes for a week!

Is this your result? I am severely disappointed! She got kicked out of class again.

Anna, my love what are your thoughts about homeschooling?"

I wake up breathing hard. A dream. Again.

Gulping air missing from my lungs, I wipe sweat from my forehead and reach for the water bottle on my desk.

The voices are still ringing in my ears. Too loud. It's too loud. I wince and cover my ears with my sweaty palms.

Don't think about that, Anna. It's just a dream. It will be fine.

A whistle sounds somewhere and the screaming in my head goes quiet. I am pulled out of the labyrinthine of my head. I look over to my saviour. My phone. I swipe it open to a string of texts.


Anna, Denver here.

I saved your number. You can save mine.

Here is a link to the university's library which is exclusive to students.

You can search for all the required past papers, tests, quizzes, additional courses, internships and help books.

He said I could search for it myself but not only did he share the library's link but also the links to my course-related material. Detailed.

My shoulders slump and my heart melts with appreciation and adoration.


What adoration? Come on! No, Anna! He is your brother's friend and he is also helping you study! Be grateful, brat! Have some sense! Besides you don't have time to entertain such ridiculous notions!

I reprove myself and resolve to not drown in absurd thought but the said resolve goes down the drain as I read the last text.


You got this, I know.

Something drips over my screen. I might as well have become water.

I stare at my screen long enough for it to go dark.
This darkness is identical to my abyss. Reflecting on my lost self.

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now