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(ENFJ)Anna's POV

It has been a couple of weeks since the classes began, and let me tell you this once and for all.


Whose genius idea was to pursue Biotechnology when you know that you find it hard to study chemistry?

Oh, it was my idea. Me and my idiotic optimism. Just why do I have to bite more than I can chew?

But I do not deserve to be punished for it. If you are wondering why am I in such a sour mood let us rewind this.

I take a deep breath and set my eyes on the professor who finally reaches the rostrum and after distributing the quiz around the class.

He told us just yesterday that we are going to have a practice quiz today. The entire class groaned but the teacher said we are fortunate to be informed first.

Some quizes can be impromptu. That means I must prepare ahead. But how?

I am already grappling at the subject. When I am studying in my room, all is well. But the moment I roll into class, I am worse than a toddler.

The professor eyes his wrist watch and annouces "Start". Okay. Let us do this.

Twenty minutes later, he announces, "Pens down."

The class representative collects our sheets and hands them over to the professor who says that we are in luck he has got a free lecture.

Our quiz result will most probably be up before lunch. I had heard from Vamick that Professor Albert is very effecient but I wasn't expecting and certainly not looking forward to this.

Sure enough we get our results before lunch and the teacher calls me to his office. Only me.

I knock at his door and take a deep breath when I heard a jovial "Come in". Okay, Annabelle. Don't you dare slip up. It is just a subject.

I tread down the hall, after meeting with Prof. Albert and feeling more confused than ever.

He was kind. Maybe because Vamick told him about me and my 'issue'. Vamick graduated from this very institute.

He had a good relationship with Prof. Albert for the few semesters he took his course and since then they kept in touch. He was like my brother's mentor.

Vamick instructed me to go to him in case of any query. One might think my brothers babysit me alot but I understand that they do it out of love and care.

All brothers are protective of their sisters. I don't know about anyone else but I am grateful for their support. The men around me are like that.

I used to get annoyed with them sometimes but then my mom told me being protective of me is their way of saying 'I love you.' What more can I ask for?

'They aren't trying to cuff you down, they are trying to free you up'. That is exactly why I am not minding their intervention.

I am sure Prof. Albert is bound to let Vamick know if I were to have the most trivial of problems. Prof. was generous enough to motivate me and give some pointers.

He also assured me that I am free to ask as many questions as I'd like. "I asked some teachers for your scores in the rest of your subjects. And I am surprised to see your brilliance in those." Then he gave me a pointed look after sparing a glance to my answer sheet. "That makes me think you at loose ends only in my subject." Hit the nail on the head.

At least, he didn't hammer the last shreds of hope I have for this course.

He also recommended seeking help from a seniors since he may not always be available.

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