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These are the properties of these mineral metals. Our body requires them and continuously loses them. Can anyone tell me where do we find metals naturally? Where do we obtain them from?", Professor Albert questions.

I know that. I read it last night. But what if I am wrong? I cannot forget it this soon, right? Can I revise it?

My voice even in my head sounds breathy. I chew on my lip. Come on. I know it, right? But what if I don't? My body gets a sudden shudder.

Prof. Albert looks my way and raises a single brow.

Ironically, I wish to fade into the shadows in a generously lit lab.

I shuffle with my belongings to avoid his eyes. But something else is waiting there.

"You wouldn't know if you don't try. So what if you are wrong?  You can try again.' The little post-it note of encouragement Denver pasted on the chapter notes he gave me innocently nestled there.

"You did better than last time.", he had said smiling at me. He believes I can do better. I did too. Stop. Forget about the past._Do_ I? What's mere belief without action?

I take a deep breath and gingerly raise my hand but another student beats me to it. I snatch my hand down. Of course. Who will wait for my dramatic episode of self-pity?

"Let Miss Annabelle answer." Professor smoothly cuts the oxygen supply to my lungs. "Me?" 

"Yes." He smiles gently.

My throat works but no sound comes. I clear it. "I-in the form of ores or in the form of salts, mostly. Ores are extracted through metallurgical processes f-further purification can be done through electrolysis. Plant uptake salts. ", fumbling at first, I answer concisely.

"Yes. Well done. Furthermore, we can obtain them from... "

He moves on and I heave a breath. My insides are bubbling with the pride I feel after years.

My death grip on the counter edge loosens. How long it has been since I had enough courage to speak up in class? Long enough, I think,  for me to feel jocund at such a trivial encouragement.

Thank you, Denver. To think he doesn't even know half of what he does for me.

I make a mental note to thank him not verbally but with a gift of sorts. What exactly? So far I am only good with books and baking. Professor shoots a look my way. I will tailor the details later.

"And how do we identify the metals present in salts?", Prof. Albert inquires peering over his spectacles at Brett. Who I didn't notice standing next to me. I can swear he wasn't here when we did the Borax bead test.

"I'm.  I think... ",  he makes a thoughtful expression and bumps into my side slightly. Is he asking for help? I tap the Bunsen burner in front of me.

"Burn them. ", he finishes.

"Flame test. Yes. ", the teacher approves.

"Maybe next time if you come to class on time then you won't need to pester Miss Annabelle for an answer. " Oops. Busted.

I press my lips in an awkward smile meanwhile Brett grins.

"So, far the Borax bead test lets us know about the presence of metal ions. Moving on to the identification of said ions. There are grounded metal samples provided to you in Petri dishes. I want you to do a flame test and categorize the metals in the sheet given. Analyze it thoroughly. The substance form, property, occurrence, importance of the said metal and the colour of the flame."

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now