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The hair that escaped the loose bun she made while studying, fluttered in the zephyr. It works trying to set her hair free. I agree with the it, though I don't voice my thoughts.

She looks lost in her thoughts. So lost that she doesn't register the turn in the path we are following. I gently take her arm that I had let go of near the exit and pull her with me.

She glances at me but doesn't pull back. We reach the cafeteria nearby and let go again. I don't want to but there are people here and she might be uncomfortable.

I realize just now, that I haven't eaten anything since lunch and I am sure she is hungry too.

I order two large cheese sandwiches with plenty of chicken filling soaked in mayo. And two large cups of fresh juice.

I return with the order to where I had left her. She is suspiciously quiet. All the light has abandoned her being.

I head to her and offer the snacks. She eyes the sandwich and smiles at me. Tired but still a smile.
My shoulder sag.

"Did someone tell you chicken cheese sandwich is one of my favourite go-to snacks?"

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "This and mint chocolate chip, white chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Oh and you also like cherry blossom lemonade. ", I narrate.

"and the juice? " "I often see you having fresh juice instead of coffee. It is the healthier choice, actually. ", I reply shrugging.

She gives me a look of wide-eyed surprise. Shoot. Anyone would find this creepy.

Excuse, Denver! Think of one! I can't. Not on such short notice.

"Ah. Well. Yesterday I and Jonah were having cheese sandwiches. He told me you like it. Then kept going on about this list of things you like, so. " I hurriedly and truthfully explain myself.

She nods slowly and smiles. Whew. That was close. Don't get me wrong Jonah did tell me this. I just remember it vividly. Definitely not ogling her during lunch break for the past few weeks.

She begins walking to the door. Then turns to me as if sensing that I am not following her. "I would like to sit and eat on the grass if you don't mind."

We sit under an oak tree. With the cool breeze comforting my haggard mind I take a deep breath feeling a strange sort of peace. I haven't taken a seat on the grass in ages.

I wanted to but my schedules are so occupied that such trivial wishes become distant dreams.

Hence, I admire the beauty of nature from the windows of the library and my room only.

It is one of those things that you file away in 'I-can-always-do-it. Like-any-time. Just-not-now. I-have-several-pressing-matters-to-attend-to.'

And you never actually do it. So I look at the girl sitting next to me and wonder, 'Will I be able to find joy in simple things like this if she continues to be by my side? '

She finally lets her hair loose and rests her back against the tree. A few locks flowing softly in the beeeze, she closes her eyes feeling the peace too.

I need to find a new spot to stick my eyes to. A spot other than her face. Somewhere that regulates my breath.

To help her case I need some more substance. So, I casually ask her," Do you mind if I take a look at your notes. I peeked at them once in the library. I wanna see your handwritting." Lie.

What I really want is to check something. We had packed our stuff with us before heading out. She takes her chemistry notebook out and hands it over."

At, first I just leaf through the notes. Then I stop and look at each page. I ask her for her biology notebook. She hands it over without much hesitation, nibbling over the edges of her sandwich.

TWICE FOR LOVE (An Mbti College Romance)Where stories live. Discover now