XLIX: Meet and Greet 2.0

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Jhoanna's POV

The condo unit in Antipolo was a far cry from my usual residence in the city. Here, the air was crisp, the noise minimal. Sunlight streamed through the thin curtains, painting squares of gold across the living room floor. I paced, anxiety gnawing at my stomach. Every creak of the building, every rustle of leaves outside had me jumping, checking the peephole again and again.

Colet. The very thought of her name sent a thrill through me. We'd met online, a fleeting connection in the vast digital world that blossomed into something more. Months of stolen messages, late-night calls, a shared world built in secret. But Colet was just a girl, an ordinary girl from the province, and I... I was Jhoanna, the idol, the unreachable star.

The sound of the key turning in the lock made my breath hitch. I rushed to the door, flinging it open before the buzzer finished its shrill whine. There she stood, Colet, backpack slung over one shoulder, a tired but determined smile on her face.

"Baby! You finally made it." I embraced her tightly.

She held me closer to her and hugged me tightly. "Traffic was crazy, but I wouldn't miss this for anything."

We pulled back, both breathless. Her eyes, the color of melted chocolate, held a depth of affection that made my heart skip a beat.

"Come in, come in. You must be exhausted. Let me get you some water."  Colet stepped inside, looking around my new condo. I bought it so it is easier for us to set a short staycation when I'm not busy.

" Wow, this place is nice. Different from what I imagined." she commented.

I handed her a glass of water before replying, "Yeah, it's a friend's condo and I decided to buy it. Perfect for... getting away." 

We settled on the couch, an awkward silence settling between us. It was strange, being this close, yet feeling the weight of the world – or rather, my world – pressing down.

"So, how have you been? Busy, I bet." she suddenly asked, breaking the ice of awkwardness.

"The usual. Promotions, endorsements, the never-ending cycle. But it's all a blur when I'm not talking to you." I smiled.

"Me too. Though, my life isn't quite as exciting. Just school, helping out at the store, the usual small-town stuff." she replied.

I sat closer to her. "I wouldn't trade it for anything, you know. This... this secrecy, it eats at me sometimes."

She took my hand and kissed it gently. "Me too. But being here, with you... it's worth it."

We sat like that for a while, hands intertwined, a silent promise hanging heavy in the air. The outside world faded away, replaced by the warmth of Colet's presence. In that stolen moment, under the watchful gaze of the Antipolo hills, I wasn't Jhoanna, the idol. I was just Jhoanna, a girl in love.


Hello! Sa mga nagpetition to make it a book, Jholet's Starlight Symphony is out! <3

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