Legion Herrscher

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Elham returned to the base the second she heard that someone claimed responsibility for that dead politician.

Satomi was already there when Elham arrived. "Any idea who is behind the mask?" The dark haired woman asked.

Satomi looked somber as she nodded.
"She used a voice changer but thanks to recorded comm messages the computer was able to identify this person as Mei."

Elham nodded. "Any orders from Welt?" She asked.

"Not yet." Satomi said. "Until I get new orders I'm free. What about you?" The Valkyrie awaited Elham's answear anticipating.

"Couldn't find any intel. I need to report back but afterwards I'm free. Want to do something?" Elham asked.

Satomi nodded. "We could play basketball or continue playing Dark Souls, but if you have something in mind I'm happy to oblige." She pushed her hair back and smiled.


Einstein had asked Martha to come into her lab. The woman knew that the scientist would tell her if she would die an early death or live to see...well, anything would be fine with her.

"Good you are here." Einstein said as Martha entered the lab. They both sat down on two chairs that stood near the control pannel of the room.

"I assume you have bad news?" Martha asked. Einstein didn't need to answear. Her face was betraying her.

"I'm sorry. I can't deny your fears. The reason for you sickness is an exessive amount of Honkai energy that was stored in your body due to being a hybrid. The human parts of you are now being attacked, mainly your lung and later the brain." Einstein explained, her voice filled with sorrow.

The Captain exhaled. "So I won't just die. I'll turn into a zombie." She said. Her voice and tear filled eyes betrayed her as well.

"I...I can't tell for sure." The scientist said. "It's the most likely. Maybe it..." Einstein said and failed to find the right words to finish her sentence.

"Maybe I'll just go to sleep. How much time do I have?" Martha asked. She didn't even know if she wanted to know when she would die, but she had things to do and for that she needed to know how much time she has left.

"If you where to stop fighting the Honkai right now, a year. If not the amount of Honkai energy in your body will only grow, attacking your organs heavier. In the best case it would be nine months." Einstein said.

For a moment the room was filled with silence.

"Can I ask you something?" Einstein started.

Martha simply nodded. She couldn't muster the energy to say a simple yes or no.

"Why did it start now? You where around a Herrscher for years, at one point even around multible." Einstein asked.

"Never got hit with lightning created by a Herrscher. Being around the Honkai is diffrent for a Valkyrie then getting directly impaled with it." Martha answeared.

"Of course. I'm sorry." Einstein said.

"There is no need to apologize. I knew what I was getting into. Still, is there any hope for a cure?" Martha wanted to know.

"Your case is complicated. Only part of you is human. If you would do an anti Honkai infection treatment then vital organs would shut down. Tesla and I will do what we can, and you are not alone. We have therapists available at any time, and your friends are here too." Einstein said. Her voice was soft and careing.

Martha nodded and stood up. "Thank you. I realy am glad I came to you. I'm...going now." She said and left without another word.


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