Poisoned child

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(This chapter contains gore and needles and swearing!)

Satomi woke up in the morning and meet up with the group. Theresa informed them that Einstein is missing.
Satomi kept her sensor ability activated in case Einstein was around but no luck.
But that wasn't the only emergency. The portal into the Sea of Quanta has opened and Honkai beasts where emerging.

"Theresa...Bronya." Cocolia said and completly ignored Satomi.
"Cocolia what the hell did you do? The Honkai beasts are attacking the Deep." Theresa said not amused.

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Cocolia said back. "The Eye of the Deep has been activated and those monsters are attacked to it's energy."

"The portal to the Sea of Quanta has been opened?" Bronya asked.

Satomi wanted to say something as well but her sensor ability suddenly detected someone awefully familiar with a low Honkai Energy coming in from behind with rapid speed.

Satomi pushed Bronya and Theresa away from her and turned around just in time to dodge Fox's sword strike.
Satomi immediantly used a Honkai energy wave to push Fox further away.

"Go now I'll hold her off!" Satomi said and the others quickly ran away.
Satomi wasn't done attacking. She teleported infront of Fox. The Valkyrie attempted to kick onto her arm to destroy it but Fox quickly rolled to the side and cut of Satomi's foot and right arm.

The Valkyrie fell down on the ground but she didn't let Fox stand up. She used her teleportation again to teleport over Fox and fell down left elebow first onto the women's back.

Fox wasn't happy about that giant on top of her back and made an attempt to do something but Satomi had enough of that damn aunt of hers coming in whenever she wants to ruin her life.

Maybe, just maybe, a bit more violence was okay this time.

The Valkyrie had quickly regrown her foot and arm, quickly standing up and before Fox could grab the sword Satomi let herself fall down again but this time so that her left knee, and her whole body weight, landed directly on Fox's shoulder.

A loud crack filled the air and Fox wasn't moving anymore.
Satomi kicked the sword away with her right foot and supported her balance with her left hand.

She then stood up and grabbed Fox by her collar, lifting her up. Satomi just noticed that Fox is wearing the Hyperion securety crew uniform.

She must be on board since they landed to refill, meaning in the storage hall was a traitor.

"Tell me who the traitor is." Satomi demanded and looked Fox in the eyes thus not being able to see how Fox is reaching for her pocket. Her right arm was just hanging down since her shoulder was ruined. Satomi wasn't too sure if she had broke an organic bone or a prostethic but it didn't matter.

"Tell me or I'll crush anything that is still organic." Satomi said, her grip grew tighter.

"Asshole." Fox said. She had the poison capsle ready but she wanted to torment Satomi a bit.
"I have a message from you. It's from Jackal." Fox said. Of course there was no message but who cares.

"You have ten seconds to tell me the name and position of the traitor before I rip you apart." Satomi was dead serious, Fox knew it.

"Jeanne Dupont, head of logistic in the storage hall." Fox answeared before Satomi realy ripped her apart. It was a made up name she had heared somewhere.

Satomi lifted her other hand and squeezed Fox's bad shoulder. The women screamed in pain.

"Did you think I would allow you to let you attack them. Messing with them means messing with me and I decited it's enough. That message from this Jackal, tell me." Satomi said and let go of the shoulder.

"It's..." Fox made a dramatic pause but simultaniously moved the poison capsle out of her pocket. She was ready to inject it in a swift motion Satomi won't be able to avoid with her muscular right arm so wonderfully exposed. "You are a fool." Fox said.

With a quick motion Fox injected the poison into Satomi's body. The Valkyrie let go of Fox and tryed to catch onto the situation but she had that damn fear of needles that stressed her right now. 

She looked around and searched for the sword but Fox had already retrieved it. The older women smiled amused.

"Was war das?!"
(What was that?!) Satomi asked, the shock was big enough for her to speak in her naitive language.

"Poison. It would kill a normal person but you should survive." Fox said.

Satomi rushed forward in an attempt to attack her but Fox swiftly moved out of the way, carefully to remember not to cut off the arm where she injected the poison.

She would toy with Satomi until the Valkyrie lost all her energy.

But there was still a major problem. Fox dodged another attack. She didn't know how exactly to kill Satomi if her healing and abilitys overall where still intact.

"I wanna try something." Fox said and dodged the jab punch, moved to the outside and broke Satomi's left arm. She let her sword fall to the ground so she could hold Satomi in place. Fox grabbed her head and removed Satomi's left eye.

The young Valkyrie screamed in pain and managed to push herself away from the enemy. Satomi held her hand over her left eye. It was bleeding extremely and she tryed to let her ability heal her injuries but the poison was already affecting her and making it  extremely hard for her to even think of something to do next.

Her mind was clouded and her body so weak that she fell to the ground.

"So I can kill you right now." Fox said and smiled.

But wait! She knows someone who would love to have her fun with Satomi first. Fox wanted to kill that kid on the ground but she also knew Jackal was a bit intrested in Satomi.

"Your lucky Jackal, I have a generous day." Fox said and dragged Satomi away. "Of course not so lucky for you." Fox added.

Satomi knew her consciousness could be fading any minute now. She lost yet again. Maybe the others have more luck than she had.

Fox took an Anti Entropy ship to return to the surface. From there on she flew towards Egypt, the base Jackal would be in after the project Stigma test in Arc City.

The women made sure that Satomi was chained up tightly. Fox doupted that she would wake up and even if she did, she had nowhere to run and still poison in her system.

Satomi lost and this time she alone would bear the consequences.

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