A Ring on your Left Hand

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It was in the middle of the night when Theresa, Satomi, Martha and Welt met in the doctors lab. They where there as well, being called in by Welt but in everyones agreement. It was a secret meeting with important topics to adress.

"I'll make it short. On the Hyperion is a traitor that forced us to land before we entered the deep. Thats how Fox found us." Satomi said concerned.

"Any idea who it might be?" Welt asked.
"I only have the name Jeanne Dupont, Fox said it to me." Satomi said.
"I'll check that name." Theresa said.

"With all respect, I belive getting rid of them this easly is not worth it. Thanks to Elham's information and cooperation we know that they have many more spies. Getting rid of one has no use, but now we are warned for such things." Martha said.

"You sugesting something?" Einstein asked.
"Let's try to find them but without warning them. Schicksal, Anti-Entropy and the Serpent are not actively fighting right now, but that can change every moment. Once that happens, we can spread wrong informations to the spys." Martha said.

"We can create traps and for them." Tesla said.

"Exactly. It's the best strategy for strong enemys like S-Rank Valkyries and Herrscher." Martha added.

Everyone thought over it for a moment.

"I have to agree with Martha. I think it's safe to say that everyone in this room is trustworthy." Welt said and closed his eyes for a second. "If someone is against it or has concernes then speak now openly." He said in true leader fashion and pushed his glasses up.

"While I understand that thought, it could lead to unwanted problems. You spoke of Herrschers. With that you mean Raiden Mei, correct?" Einstein asked.

"I do." Martha confirmed.

It was still hard for Theresa and Satomi to adapt to the fact that Mei was gone. No one saw it coming, but Mei made her decition.

"If it comes to another fight with the Serpent, and Mei, I'll take care of her." Satomi said.

"Not alone. I'll be there as well. She's not only your student." Theresa said. For once Satomi didn't argue back.

"Fine by me, but Fox is mine alone." Satomi said. The mood suddenly shifted, as if Satomi was about to explode from anger. Just merely thinking about that disgusting piece of shit that called herself Satomi's aunt made her wanna kill her.

"Talking about the Serpent, I say we beat the shit out of them whenever we see one of the members." Satomi sugested, her mood suddenly shifting from angry to normal.

"No, not when there is still a peaceful solution. We do not want to trigger anything." Welt spoke out.

Satomi looked a bit dissapointed but didn't talk back at Welt.

"Anything else we need to adress?" Tesla asked tired.

"Nothing on my side." Martha said. The groub silently nodded along.
"Good. We will start working on finding the spies within Anti-Entropy to give them false informations. What was talked about in here is classified. You are dismissed." Welt said.

They walked out of the lab and went to their rooms.

The meeting in the morning was nothing special. Welt just gave Theresa and Martha some tasks while he ordered Kiana to rest for a while longer, but since her condition is stable now she was clear to train with the others.

After the meeting ended Martha and Satomi where walking ahead of the others. Was everyone going to train in the morning?

"All things conciderated, we are in no real advantage towards Schicksal or the Serpent. In return, none of them have some special advantage as well, but god knows what Otto's gonna do in the future." Satomi said.

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